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04.19.24 | Arts & Culture

Igniting Inspiration: Celebrating World Creativity and Innovation Day with Sage Collective

April 21, 2024 marks an occasion close to the heart of the Sage Collective community — World Creativity and Innovation Day. This year, under the inspiring theme “Step Out and Innovate,” we are called upon to embrace the boundless potential of our minds and encourage people everywhere to push beyond their boundaries and tap into their innate creative and innovative spirit. At Sage Collective, this day is both a celebration and a profound reflection of our core belief in the transformative power of creativity and innovation to enhance lives, particularly as we age.

Contrary to the misconception that creativity wanes with age, the reality is strikingly different. Older adults possess a vast reservoir of experiences, insights, and wisdom that can profoundly fuel creative endeavors. Each of us has the potential to contribute something groundbreaking to the world, regardless of our years.

Innovation involves applying creativity to solve problems or make improvements, envisioning the world not only as it is but as it could be. Sage Collective is deeply committed to fostering an environment where innovative ideas can thrive, especially those enhancing the quality of life for older adults. Through the arts, technology, or new community living models, we recognize innovation as the key to addressing the challenges faced by older generations.

Celebrating Creativity and Innovation at Sage Collective
Under the banner of “Step Out and Innovate,” we, as a community, celebrate World Creativity and Innovation Day by:

  • Showcasing Talent: Highlighting the creative talents within our community, from artists and writers to musicians and thinkers. Through virtual galleries and performances, we celebrate the myriad ways creativity manifests in our lives.
  • Engaging Workshops: Hosting workshops and seminars designed to ignite the creative spark within. These sessions invite members to explore new hobbies, rediscover forgotten passions, and embody this year’s theme by stepping out of their comfort zones.
  • Intergenerational Collaboration: Encouraging projects that bring together younger and older generations, fostering diverse perspectives and co-creating solutions that benefit all ages. These collaborations embody the spirit of stepping out and innovating, showcasing the richness that comes from combining the wisdom of age with the fresh ideas of youth.

As World Creativity and Innovation Day approaches, we urge every member of the Sage Collective community to embrace your creative and innovative potential, engage in activities that challenge you, share your groundbreaking ideas, and most importantly, celebrate the limitless capacity for innovation within each of us.

In celebrating this special day, we’re reaffirming our commitment to building a vibrant, dynamic community where creativity and innovation are integral to everyday life. Join us in this celebration, and together, let’s redefine the boundaries of what’s possible, one innovative step at a time.

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03.20.24 | Arts & Culture

Photography as a Mindful Hobby: Capturing Moments with Intention

In the vibrant tapestry of hobbies that enrich our lives, photography emerges as a uniquely compelling practice, blending art, technology, and mindfulness. At Sage Collective, where we cherish activities that enhance our well-being and connect us to the world in meaningful ways, photography holds a special place. It’s a powerful tool for capturing the beauty of the present, and a medium for expressing our unique perspectives.

The Mindful Art of Photography

Photography, at its essence, is an act of observation and appreciation. It encourages us to slow down, to see the world through a lens of curiosity and wonder. Each time we frame a shot, we’re not just capturing a moment in time; we’re engaging deeply with our surroundings, noticing details we might otherwise overlook. This attentive observation is a disciplined practice, fostering a state of presence and awareness that can be both calming and exhilarating.

Seeing the World with Fresh Eyes

One of the most remarkable aspects of photography is its ability to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. Through the camera’s lens, mundane objects and everyday scenes can become subjects of beauty and intrigue. This shift in perspective encourages us to look at our world with fresh eyes, finding joy and interest in the familiar. It’s a reminder that beauty and wonder are all around us, waiting to be noticed and appreciated.

Photo: Ralph, pixexid

Expressing Creativity and Emotion

Photography also offers a powerful outlet for creativity and emotional expression. Whether it’s capturing the nuanced play of light and shadow, the vibrant colors of a sunset, or the candid emotions of a street scene, photography allows us to convey feelings and stories without words. It’s a form of visual poetry, where each image reflects a piece of our inner world, our joys, sorrows, and everything in between.

Connecting with Others

Beyond its personal benefits, photography is a medium that fosters connection. Sharing our photographs can spark conversations, evoke empathy, and build bridges between diverse experiences and viewpoints. In community settings, photography projects can bring people together, creating shared experiences and mutual understanding. It’s a way to communicate deeply felt experiences in a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers.

Embarking on Your Photographic Journey

Starting with photography as a mindful hobby doesn’t require expensive equipment or technical expertise. It begins with a willingness to explore and observe. Here are a few tips to get started:

  • Start Simple: Use whatever camera you have, even if it’s just your smartphone. The best camera is the one you have with you.
  • Pay Attention to Light: Notice how different lighting conditions affect your surroundings and experiment with capturing them.
  • Focus on Composition: Practice framing your shots, playing with angles and perspectives to find interesting compositions.
  • Be Present: Allow yourself to fully engage with the process, focusing on the act of taking the photograph as much as the outcome.

As we explore photography as a mindful hobby, we discover that it’s not just about the images we create but the heightened sense of presence and connection we experience. Photography invites us to celebrate the moment, to express ourselves creatively, and to share our view of the world with others. At Sage Collective, we encourage you to embrace photography as a pathway to mindfulness, a practice that enriches our lives and reminds us of the beauty in the everyday.

Credit: Tyler Sakil on Unsplash
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03.09.23 | Arts & Culture

Sparking Creativity When Life Feels Monotonous

No matter how creative you are, everyone inevitably experiences the uninspired “lull” — a slump of nuisance or inconvenience, that can more often than not, get you down — especially when you don’t know how to wade those sorts of waters. A lack of inspiration can put someone’s entire career on hold and in the worst cases, in jeopardy. Keeping your creative juices flowing, is important and can help you perform better, regardless of your profession, or age.


The first step in ironing out creative wrinkles is to identify what your current routine is. We are by all means and purposes — creatures of habit — and when we understand what parts of a routine are no longer serving us, we’re one step closer to sparking creativity. What do you do when you first wake up? What does the middle and end of your day look like? Answering these questions are crucial to finding creative freedom once again.


What can you add in now that you’ve freed yourself from the burden of an old habit? Including some form of exercise such as walking, running, weight-lifting, or body weight training can not only get your blood flowing, but those innovative ideas moving as well.

Escaping Monotony

If that doesn’t work, all hope is lost — if you don’t take your mind off the task that is. Doing something completely unrelated might be just what you needed. By focusing on other tasks, this allows for the exploration of new ideas and solutions to difficult problems. Mow the lawn, learn an instrument, clean your house, “wax-on-wax-off”, it will all be worth it to find that spark again.

Look to the Greats for inspiration, whatever the field, by viewing the best in class we can learn something we didn’t know before. Take Michelangelo Buonarroti for example. He strived to excel at every task. He was a well-known and gifted sculptor. Then he was tasked to paint. He made sure that he was the best at that, too. He showed that when you combine hard work with incredible skill, everything becomes more attainable. By breaking out of our molds and changing the way we view leisure time, we create boundless opportunities for creativity and ourselves!


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04.21.22 | Community

Creative vs. Critical Thinking

At Sage Collective, we champion our inspired model of 9 Ways of Vibrant living, and encourage everyone to discover new methods to help better their wellbeing. Today, we’re taking you back to Psych 101 to talk about the key differences between critical and creative thinking, why they’re both important, and ways you can practice both in your life to help you live more vibrantly: 

What Are Creative and Critical Thinking?

Understanding the difference between critical and creative thinking can be broken down simply this way: creative thinking is approaching problems or situations in new ways and with a new perspective, whereas critical thinking is using logic to analyze a situation in order to make an informed decision. Essentially, creative thinking is more subjective (influenced by feelings) whereas critical thinking is more objective (influenced by logic). Both are important when decision-making, so let’s explore some of the reasons why. 

Why Are They Important?

As we’ve discussed in previous blogs, creativity – particularly for adults – can lead to a happier, healthier lifestyle. The same rings true for thinking creatively! Brainstorming new solutions and exploring new ideas are imperative for older adults because it helps provide a sense of self that is innovative and capable. The goal with creative thinking is to have an open mind and to approach situations with diverse perspectives. As for critical thinking, it’s equally important to approach situations constructively and logically, but it is the synergy of both thinking patterns working together that makes us great problem solvers. 

How to Improve Creative and Critical Thinking Skills:

To improve critical thinking skills, when you’re problem-solving, make a list of facts and then cause and effects. This will help you logically analyze outcomes, and come to a decision that way. To think more creatively, try asking yourself: what other considerations are there in this situation? What perspective could I be missing? An easy way to practice this is by brainstorming with another person– hearing a different perspective may inspire you to think of others as well, and is great practice for when you’re alone.

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