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09.07.23 | Community

Positive Relationships Can Boost Your Immune System, Seriously.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the profound impact of human connections. From a heartfelt conversation with a close friend to the silent understanding exchanged between life partners, our relationships play an integral role in shaping our lives. But did you know that these positive connections can also have tangible health benefits improving your wellbeing and vibrant living? Research suggests that nurturing positive relationships can give your immune system a serious boost!

More than Just Emotional Support

Undoubtedly, having a solid support system provides emotional stability. When life throws curveballs, friends and family often serve as our anchor, offering solace, advice, or just a listening ear. But there’s more going on beneath the surface. The emotional comfort these relationships provide is linked with physiological responses in our body.

When we feel loved, understood, and supported, our body reacts by reducing the production of stress hormones like cortisol. Chronically high levels of cortisol have been associated with a host of health issues, including a weakened immune system. On the other hand, reduced stress levels allow our immune system to function optimally, fighting off illnesses more effectively.

The Science Behind the Connection

Several studies have delved into the relationship between social connections and immune function. One notable study found that individuals with strong social ties were less susceptible to the common cold. Another research piece indicated that students with positive social networks had better immune responses to certain vaccines.

The exact mechanisms remain a topic of ongoing research. Still, many experts believe that positive social interactions increase the production of beneficial chemicals in the brain. These chemicals can enhance the body’s defense mechanisms. Additionally, positive relationships often encourage healthy behaviors – like maintaining a balanced diet, exercising, or getting adequate sleep – all of which contribute to a robust immune system.

In an era dominated by digital interactions, it’s crucial to remember the significance of genuine, positive relationships. They not only enrich our lives emotionally but also fortify our physical health. So, the next time you share a laugh with a friend or enjoy a heart-to-heart with a family member, remember – you’re doing your immune system the biggest favor!

Family hugging
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06.08.23 | Community

Adapting to The Internet Highway: A User-Friendly Guide for Older Adults to Embrace the Digital World

We often refer to the internet as a modern highway. Imagine jumping onto the freeway of knowledge and connections, taking exits to destinations of choice, and disembarking when you’ve reached your desired location. The concept may seem daunting, especially for those of us who didn’t grow up in this digital age, but fear not! Just like learning to navigate any new terrain, once you understand the rules of the road, the journey becomes more manageable. 

However, the internet highway, much like any journey, comes with its share of challenges and potential roadblocks. But we firmly believe that it is never too late to embrace this digital world, and doing so can unlock new realms of communication, knowledge, and convenience. Here are some tips to ensure a smooth ride.

Learn the Basic Tools:

Your digital journey begins with understanding the basic tools. Computers, smartphones, and tablets are your vehicles on the Internet highway. Start by familiarizing yourself with their functionalities, like turning them on/off, charging, and installing applications. 

Understanding the Online Map:

Search engines like Google are the maps of the digital world. They help you locate the information or services you’re looking for. Entering words related to your topic of interest (keywords) will lead you to numerous websites, images, news, and more. On your journey, these tools within the online map will be useful resources in helping you better understand all of the directions you can travel. 

Safety First:

As on any journey, safety is paramount. Beware of digital road hazards like phishing (fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information) and cyberbullying. Always ensure you’re visiting secure websites (look for ‘https’ in the URL), avoid sharing sensitive personal information online, and maintain strong, unique passwords for all your accounts. 

Social Media as Scenic Routes:

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are excellent places to connect with loved ones, meet new friends, or join groups of interest. However, always be mindful of the information you share publicly. 

Embrace Online Learning:

Many institutions offer free or inexpensive courses online, from learning new languages to picking up cooking tips. Websites like Khan Academy, Coursera, or TED Talks are wonderful resources to broaden your horizons right from the comfort of your home. 

Tech Support is Your Roadside Assistance:

Finally, remember that there’s always help available. From the tech-savvy grandchild to the friendly helpline of your device manufacturer, don’t hesitate to ask for help if you find yourself lost on the digital highway.

Embracing the internet highway isn’t about leaving the past behind but about enriching our lives with the tools and resources of the present. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Happy traveling!

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04.06.23 | Community

Adapting To Your Living Space As You Age

Aging gracefully is about more than just accepting our changing appearance and the natural passage of time; it’s also about curating a living space that radiates warmth, comfort, and safety. At Sage, we believe that age-friendly home renovations are the key to creating an environment that evolves seamlessly with our residents’ needs, promoting their well-being and independence. Today, we’ll explore the transformative power of various age-friendly home renovations that can invigorate the lives of older adults.

As we age, our mobility may change, but that shouldn’t stop us from living life to the fullest. Creating a living space that is easily navigable ensures that our homes accommodate these changes, allowing us to maintain our independence and enjoy daily routines without feeling restricted. By widening doorways, installing ramps or stairlifts, and adding handrails to stairs, we can enhance accessibility and provide a sense of security and freedom.

For older adults, the bathroom can be a treacherous territory. Slippery surfaces and limited space can lead to falls and injuries. However, by installing grab bars, walk-in showers or tubs, and elevated toilet seats, we can significantly improve safety and ease of use, turning the bathroom into a tranquil haven of comfort and security.

The kitchen on the other hand is often the heart of the home, a place where we spend considerable time preparing meals and bonding with family and friends. As we age, adapting the kitchen to our needs becomes vital. Allowing us to continue savoring our culinary passions without the added strain. Installing adjustable countertops, pull-out shelves, easy-to-grip handles, and touchless features can transform your kitchen into an inviting and functional space.

Age-Proofing Your Kitchen Space

Living Spaces

Speaking of inviting spaces, our bedroom and living areas are where we relax, unwind, and recharge. Ensuring these spaces are designed for comfort and functionality is crucial for maintaining a high quality of life as we age. Selecting furniture that’s easy to get in and out of, keeping the environment clutter-free, and providing adequate space for maneuvering can make daily living more enjoyable and comfortable. Good lighting is also essential for creating inviting and safer spaces, as it helps prevent falls and makes daily tasks easier. Ensuring that all walkways, staircases, and rooms are well-lit can provide a sense of safety and well-being. Installing brighter lights, motion-activated lighting, and nightlights in key areas can make a significant difference in overall visibility and ambiance.

Next is outdoor space, creating welcoming and accessible outdoor spaces can greatly enhance an older adult’s quality of life. Spending time outdoors, whether gardening or simply enjoying a cup of tea on the patio, can provide both physical and mental health benefits. By maintaining walkways, installing slip-resistant surfaces, and creating easy-to-reach gardening beds, we can foster a connection to nature and encourage more outdoor activities.

In the end, age-friendly home renovations can significantly enhance an older adult’s quality of life. By making thoughtful adjustments to our living spaces, we create a comfortable and safe environment that supports our evolving needs. With the right planning, professional guidance, and useful resources, we can transform our homes into havens that allow us to thrive and enjoy our golden years. So, take the first step and start planning your age-friendly home renovations today!


Living Space
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03.30.23 | Community

The Importance of Caring for Each Other

In today’s fast-paced, highly connected world, it’s easy to get caught up in our own lives and forget about the well-being of others around us. At Sage, taking the time to care for each other is not only a moral obligation; it’s also essential for our own well-being and the health of our communities. Together, we’ll explore why we should all care for each other and how doing so can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life.

The Science Behind Caring

Research has shown that caring for others can have a positive impact on our mental and physical health. Studies have demonstrated that those who engage in acts of kindness and support for others experience lower levels of stress, increased happiness, and even a boost in their immune system. This phenomenon, otherwise known as “helper’s high,” has been linked to the release of feel-good hormones like oxytocin and endorphins. When we care for others, we also nurture our sense of belonging and strengthen social connections. Strong relationships contribute to better mental health and a longer life expectancy, as they provide support during difficult times and create a sense of security.

Empathy: A Powerful Tool for Connection

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s a powerful tool that helps us connect with those around us and allows us to see things from their perspective. Empathy not only helps in forming deeper connections but also fosters a more compassionate and caring society. 

One way to cultivate empathy is to become a better listener. By actively listening to others, we can better understand their needs, emotions, and experiences. To improve your listening skills, check out this guide on How to Become a Better Listener.

Small Acts with Big Impact

Caring for each other doesn’t always require grand gestures. Small acts of kindness, like offering a helping hand, listening to someone’s concerns, or simply smiling at a stranger, can have a profound impact on others. Whenever someone you know is going through tough times it’s important that you reach out. By “paying it forward” through simple gestures of kindness, we can brighten someone’s day, help them feel less alone, and build spaces where people feel heard. 

Self-Care: The Foundation of Caring for Others

In order to effectively care for others, we must first take care of ourselves. Practicing self-care ensures that we have the energy, mental clarity, and emotional resilience required to support those around us. Taking care of yourself involves prioritizing your physical health by eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep. It also involves giving yourself permission to take a break when needed, cultivating a support network of friends and loved ones, and setting boundaries when necessary to maintain a healthy balance between personal and professional life .

The Power of Caring for Each Other

Caring for each other has the potential to transform our lives, our relationships, and our communities. By practicing empathy, engaging in acts of kindness, and prioritizing self-care, we can create a world in which everyone feels supported, valued, and connected. Ultimately, when we care for one another, we not only improve our own well-being but also contribute to the greater good. So, let’s embrace the power of caring for each other and make it a priority in our daily lives. By doing so, we can foster a more vibrant, understanding, and united world, where everyone can thrive.

Caring For Each Other
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02.16.23 | Community

Overstimulation: How to Shut Out the Noise

Think back to a time when your heart was racing, and your senses were in disarray. Where your mind, body, and spirit were being swallowed by a dark torrent that refused to let go. You probably asked yourself, “what’s happening to me?” The peace you carried as you were running errands, working out, or simply walking was no longer present and neither — were you. That’s what overstimulation — in other words, sensory overload feels like, and we’re going to show you how to shut out the noise.

Sensory overload is when one or many of your senses become overstimulated. This overstimulation happens because of stressful external stimuli in your environment. Think of it as your brain trying to juggle everything all at once. Two results can happen: your brain can keep juggling until it no longer feels the need to hold onto the extra mumbo-jumbo of the day. Or it can inevitably drop everything forcefully — leaving you exhausted. 

Seek Help

One of the first things to do is to seek help from a professional. Many qualified psychologists and occupational therapists have experience treating overstimulation. Techniques like behavioral therapy, and sensory integration help patients engage with the world around them, learning healthy long-term coping mechanisms. 

Self Care

Self-care is another extremely important facet of our daily lives when it comes to managing stress. It’s ingrained into much of what we do here at Sage Collective and is vital to our Vibrant Living model. Give yourself permission, and time to rest and recharge. This means setting boundaries, putting down the phone, remote, or laptop and finding something else to redirect your time and attention towards. 

Mindful Breathing

Practice mindful breathing, scientific studies have shown that mindful breathing techniques can reduce stress and promote physical and mental well-being. Breathing essentially acts as an anchor that will keep you rooted in place against the aforementioned torrent. Finding the time to stop and take a few breaths has also been proven to release endorphins from the brain to promote a sense of relaxation and calm, give us more energy, release muscle tension and decrease pain.

We urge you to continue to find coping mechanisms and ways to restore balance in this fast-paced world, ones that you’re most comfortable with and can maintain for the long-term. Your inner peace is vital to leading a healthy and vibrant life, one that is full of purpose, and engagement.  

At peace
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12.01.22 | Community

The Importance of Normalizing Grief

Pain and grief are a natural part of our lives and aren’t just things we see or feel at the end of life. In reality, these feelings surround us daily whether we know it or not, and while they’re typically associated with sadness, they don’t always have to be. And while grief is often seen as taboo, it’s important to alter the conversation around the subject to create a safe and supportive community for all.

It’s critical to know that there is no perfect answer to everything with grief; everyone has to find what works best for them, and this may look different depending on the person. So, try to be patient with yourself, and take every day one step at a time. 

One of the best ways to normalize the process of grieving is simply by acknowledging what you’re going through. Let yourself feel everything, and allow yourself space to feel comfortable sharing those feelings, even if that means you need a break here or there. Ensure that you also have a way to do something with your feelings, which can be anything from talking to friends or family to writing or painting. 

While looking for support from others can sometimes feel selfish, it’s not. Lean on as many people as possible and remember to look for the good in the situation. By being vulnerable, you allow the opportunity to build trust, relationships and support.  

Grief is something we all experience. It’s not something we can hide from, so why not face it head-on and create a safe and supportive experience not only for yourself, but for the world? 

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11.03.22 | Community

Pause, Reflect, and Celebrate Your Wins

Life can often feel as if it’s moving at uncomfortable speeds. From working and errands to relationships you have to take care of, rushing through life can be a lot on your wellbeing. And, if you’re not careful, it’s easy to get misplaced and lose track of your goals, which is why it’s important to remember to pause and reflect every so often before journeying ahead. 

Because lives are more of a marathon than a sprint, pacing yourself to what you feel comfortable with rather than rushing ahead is crucial. Pausing is a great way to take a constructive break on your journey, and it gives you the time to thoughtfully evaluate your accomplishments. Take a look at your goals and purposes and ask yourself if you’re still on track, if you need to speed things up or slow things down and if you have the resources to continue. 

Too often in life, because of busyness and day-to-day, it’s paramount to celebrate your victories, and thankfully, pausing leaves the perfect opportunity to do so. It’s crucial to remember that no matter how big or small they may be, you should be proud of every accomplishment and victory you achieve. Take a moment to celebrate each one and reward yourself for your efforts!

While it’s essential to evaluate achievements and celebrate victories, it’s also important to acknowledge your mistakes so you can learn from them in the future. While some mistakes are obvious, others are hidden by bias, but in all cases, you should look at every mistake as an opportunity for learning, not a failure. Besides, learning about your previous mistakes ensures a lesser chance of repeating them in the future!

Taking a moment to pause and reflect gives you a chance to ensure that you’re still on the track for success, no matter your goals. So, as much as you may want to rush to your dreams, it doesn’t hurt to take a break – it helps!

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07.21.22 | Arts & Culture

Personal Statements and Manifestos

As we continue our Vibrant Living Programming, we also want to resume sharing rich content that compliments our spirited training, and this month’s theme is freedom. Along with independence and opportunity, freedom can mean many things to many people. Today, we’re exploring how independence inspires purpose, how personal manifestos can propel that purpose even further and how you can create one of your own. 

A personal manifesto performs as a declaration of what you truly want from life, which makes it the perfect tool for engaging personal independence. Traditionally, you might know manifestos as published statements declaring the intentions or beliefs of organizations, similar to our Vibrant Living Manifesto. However, manifestos are fluid and can be similarly used by individuals to act as both a statement of ethics and a call to action and are powerful in giving life meaning and direction.

Whether you’re in search of a guiding compass, a frame, a reminder of your priorities or simply inspiration, creating a personal manifesto is sure to provide your life with a foundation of additional meaning and direction. Learn how to write your own below: 

Begin your manifesto by writing down your values, beliefs, behaviors you apply to life and other areas you want to address. If you’re having trouble thinking of what to write, it might be easier to ask yourself questions about those themes. Remember, personal manifestos are exactly how they sound, personal, so yours is likely to be unique to itself. 

After creating your list, start to transform each point of interest into active, declarative statements; use powerful language, don’t worry about the length and remember to keep it uplifting and positive. When finished, make a copy and put it somewhere you will see every day; your manifesto could be the perfect tool for vibrant living, write and live it now!

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04.07.22 | Arts & Culture

The Importance of Knowing Your Family History

For many, digging into family histories may sound like a wholly worthwhile experience, while others may find it too time-consuming and extensive of a process – a common misconception. However, it’s more important than ever for all of us to learn, record and preserve the rich history connected to each of our lineages for our well-being and the well-being of future generations.

Our family histories are more than just birthdates and family tree charts; they’re full of rich information that helps each of us gain a stronger understanding of who we are. The information tied to family history has the ability to empower identities and build self-worth, especially for those who might not currently have access to information tied to their family’s past. 

As we collaborate with family, community members and other resources that may help us discover our family history, we not only build connections with people in the present but also from the past and into the future. 

Along with empowering identities, family history knowledge can have dramatic effects on your health and others in your family. Have you ever had a blank mind when the doctor asks if certain health conditions run in your family? Taking the time to reach out to family, and learn more about their medical history, is the best way to avoid this and discover what you might be at risk for. Knowing this history can help you make informed choices concerning your health to live a more vibrant life

There are countless resources online and in-person that you should take advantage of when starting your genealogical journey. The first resources everyone should look to are the ones you might already have, like family trees, scrapbooks and other family history basics. If you don’t have any yourself, connect with distant relatives to gather materials that you believe would be helpful to you. 

Websites like FamilySearch.org are perfect for those of us who want to dive even deeper into their identity and background, and it’s free to use. Another way to stay involved online is by joining the family history conversation online. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and blogs are perfect for making connections and expanding your resources through a network of family historians. 

Whether you already have a great deal of knowledge related to your family history or you’re new to the ancestry trend, having access to genealogy can change your life. Try taking an hour out of the day to poke around and see what you can discover for yourself.

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12.28.21 | News

2021: A Year in Review

2021 was a year of growth for Sage Collective, as we continued evolving and celebrating exciting milestones. Today, we’re reflecting on the past year and sharing our proudest achievements:

Breaking Ground on Our King Drive Properties

In 2020 we acquired our first two properties located in the Bronzeville community at 4108 and 4112 South King Drive. This year, we were proud to officially break ground on the project. In September 2021, Sage Collective’s Board of Directors and various members of our wonderful construction crew including, the General Contractor Shevaz Freeman, Owner’s Rep Ernest Brown and the Architect Gregory Williams, gathered to celebrate the event. In addition to the groundbreaking, we sat down with Board Member and VP for Legal & Development Dwain Kyles to learn more about the project and how it contributes to Sage’s vision for the future.  

Partnership With Chicago Commons

At the beginning of April, Sage Collective collaborated with Chicago Commons, a longstanding trailblazer of change in our community. The two-part live Q&A event addressed both facts and myths regarding the COVID-19 virus and vaccination that was new to everyone at the time. Rear Admiral (Ret) James M. Galloway, MD, FACP, FACC, who is one of the brilliant minds on our leadership team, helped answer a variety of questions and addressed the medical inequity in Black and Brown communities. Stay tuned for upcoming events with Chicago Commons in the new year.

Expanding our Vision

Following the launch of our website, blog and social media platforms in 2020, we have continued to share engaging material that enlightens audiences with our rich vision for the future. Along with elaborating on our 9 Vibrant Ways of Living, we were able to have meaningful conversations that amplified our work as we continue celebrating the historic community of Bronzeville. With the wealth of knowledge and experience from everyone on our team, we have broadened a collective understanding of older adult living, health and wellness that has led us to become changemakers in our community, where we are focused on creating innovative strategies for older adult programming, residences and lifestyles. 

We can’t wait to continue sharing this journey with you and see what 2022 brings!

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