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03.30.23 | Community

The Importance of Caring for Each Other

In today’s fast-paced, highly connected world, it’s easy to get caught up in our own lives and forget about the well-being of others around us. At Sage, taking the time to care for each other is not only a moral obligation; it’s also essential for our own well-being and the health of our communities. Together, we’ll explore why we should all care for each other and how doing so can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life.

The Science Behind Caring

Research has shown that caring for others can have a positive impact on our mental and physical health. Studies have demonstrated that those who engage in acts of kindness and support for others experience lower levels of stress, increased happiness, and even a boost in their immune system. This phenomenon, otherwise known as “helper’s high,” has been linked to the release of feel-good hormones like oxytocin and endorphins. When we care for others, we also nurture our sense of belonging and strengthen social connections. Strong relationships contribute to better mental health and a longer life expectancy, as they provide support during difficult times and create a sense of security.

Empathy: A Powerful Tool for Connection

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s a powerful tool that helps us connect with those around us and allows us to see things from their perspective. Empathy not only helps in forming deeper connections but also fosters a more compassionate and caring society. 

One way to cultivate empathy is to become a better listener. By actively listening to others, we can better understand their needs, emotions, and experiences. To improve your listening skills, check out this guide on How to Become a Better Listener.

Small Acts with Big Impact

Caring for each other doesn’t always require grand gestures. Small acts of kindness, like offering a helping hand, listening to someone’s concerns, or simply smiling at a stranger, can have a profound impact on others. Whenever someone you know is going through tough times it’s important that you reach out. By “paying it forward” through simple gestures of kindness, we can brighten someone’s day, help them feel less alone, and build spaces where people feel heard. 

Self-Care: The Foundation of Caring for Others

In order to effectively care for others, we must first take care of ourselves. Practicing self-care ensures that we have the energy, mental clarity, and emotional resilience required to support those around us. Taking care of yourself involves prioritizing your physical health by eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep. It also involves giving yourself permission to take a break when needed, cultivating a support network of friends and loved ones, and setting boundaries when necessary to maintain a healthy balance between personal and professional life .

The Power of Caring for Each Other

Caring for each other has the potential to transform our lives, our relationships, and our communities. By practicing empathy, engaging in acts of kindness, and prioritizing self-care, we can create a world in which everyone feels supported, valued, and connected. Ultimately, when we care for one another, we not only improve our own well-being but also contribute to the greater good. So, let’s embrace the power of caring for each other and make it a priority in our daily lives. By doing so, we can foster a more vibrant, understanding, and united world, where everyone can thrive.

Caring For Each Other
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03.09.23 | Arts & Culture

Sparking Creativity When Life Feels Monotonous

No matter how creative you are, everyone inevitably experiences the uninspired “lull” — a slump of nuisance or inconvenience, that can more often than not, get you down — especially when you don’t know how to wade those sorts of waters. A lack of inspiration can put someone’s entire career on hold and in the worst cases, in jeopardy. Keeping your creative juices flowing, is important and can help you perform better, regardless of your profession, or age.


The first step in ironing out creative wrinkles is to identify what your current routine is. We are by all means and purposes — creatures of habit — and when we understand what parts of a routine are no longer serving us, we’re one step closer to sparking creativity. What do you do when you first wake up? What does the middle and end of your day look like? Answering these questions are crucial to finding creative freedom once again.


What can you add in now that you’ve freed yourself from the burden of an old habit? Including some form of exercise such as walking, running, weight-lifting, or body weight training can not only get your blood flowing, but those innovative ideas moving as well.

Escaping Monotony

If that doesn’t work, all hope is lost — if you don’t take your mind off the task that is. Doing something completely unrelated might be just what you needed. By focusing on other tasks, this allows for the exploration of new ideas and solutions to difficult problems. Mow the lawn, learn an instrument, clean your house, “wax-on-wax-off”, it will all be worth it to find that spark again.

Look to the Greats for inspiration, whatever the field, by viewing the best in class we can learn something we didn’t know before. Take Michelangelo Buonarroti for example. He strived to excel at every task. He was a well-known and gifted sculptor. Then he was tasked to paint. He made sure that he was the best at that, too. He showed that when you combine hard work with incredible skill, everything becomes more attainable. By breaking out of our molds and changing the way we view leisure time, we create boundless opportunities for creativity and ourselves!


Creative juices
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03.02.23 | Community

The Healing Properties and Benefits of Crocheting

Let’s be real, arts and crafts are more than just a fun pastime. They are truly healing and restorative acts and in many cases, therapeutic. In fact, the health benefits from crocheting (and knitting) are numerous! These health benefits range from simply calming you down and easing your stress — to potentially relieving depression and reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Crocheting doesn’t just help you if you’re the one who’s sick. It helps those around you, your friends and family that help you, love you, and support you. 

Helps With Insomnia

Believe it or not, crocheting helps with insomnia. By focusing on something that’s soothing, you can calm your mind and body enough to help you fall asleep. So the next time you’re tossing and turning in the middle of the night, don’t get frustrated, just pick up your sticks and get to work!

Stress Relief

It should come as no surprise that picking up your crochet hooks and some yarn are a step towards relaxation. By focusing on something other than our thoughts, the repetitive motions you make along with the individual stitches you create leaves you feeling stress free and fulfilled. Especially knowing that you’ve created something special for a family member, significant other, or friend.

Helping Ease Depression

According to this article by Healthline, it’s been scientifically proven that doing the things we enjoy releases dopamine, a chemical responsible for “feel good” or “happy” emotions. This in-turn functions much like an antidepressant. Crafts like crocheting can stimulate that dopamine release to allow us to feel happier and better about ourselves.

Taking Control of Your Life

Lastly, the act of crocheting helps you take control of your life. Whether you feel helpless as a caregiver watching someone struggle or you’re the one struggling with your own illness or problems. Crocheting is a way to put the control back into your own hands – literally. By choosing to craft, you are in full control of everything. From the type of project you’ll be making, the color and type of yarn, all the way down to the type of crochet hooks you work with. And that’s what makes the difference in feeling like you have a say again. 


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02.23.23 | Arts & Culture

Habit Making: Finding Fun

Not all things are ‘fun and games’…Or are they? Well, it depends on who you ask. One person might enjoy mountain biking down steep slopes, while another might find falling to their impending doom — i.e. bungee cord jumping — fun because of the risk involved. That isn’t to say that all fun warrants some kind of risk, because that would be further from the truth. So when we strip away the performative act involved with the idiom of ‘having fun,’ how do we instead — find it?

True fun begins with having your basic needs met. It then becomes a choice when we give ourselves permission to stop judging ourselves — giving us the ability to walk away with energy that will buoy us up long after the music has stopped, the book is finished, and the movie credits have started to roll. Finding fun doesn’t have to mean searching for it on a vacation, or within things and other people. It can be summed up as the embodiment of three things: playfulness, connection, and flow.


Playfulness isn’t about the act of playing as much as it is about the act of embracing freedom and lightheartedness. It means letting go of the idea that the moment has to be right or that you have to achieve something for you to play and find fun. 


Finding fun involves having a connection with the activity you’re doing. Perhaps it’s a physical activity that involves other people such as swimming, basketball, or tennis. It could even be a mental activity such as reading, or writing that you do by yourself. If the connection is clear, so is your journey to establishing what fun means to you.


Flow is the last piece to finding fun, it’s the feeling you have when you’re totally immersed in your activity. Sometimes you may even lose track of time doing it. All things are fun and games depending on the framing of an individual’s own fun. In order to establish a life purpose, and to engage more with yourself and live a fulfilling life you must be willing to embrace freedom, make your connections clear, and allow yourself to flow effortlessly from one fun activity to another!

Old Couple
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02.16.23 | Community

Overstimulation: How to Shut Out the Noise

Think back to a time when your heart was racing, and your senses were in disarray. Where your mind, body, and spirit were being swallowed by a dark torrent that refused to let go. You probably asked yourself, “what’s happening to me?” The peace you carried as you were running errands, working out, or simply walking was no longer present and neither — were you. That’s what overstimulation — in other words, sensory overload feels like, and we’re going to show you how to shut out the noise.

Sensory overload is when one or many of your senses become overstimulated. This overstimulation happens because of stressful external stimuli in your environment. Think of it as your brain trying to juggle everything all at once. Two results can happen: your brain can keep juggling until it no longer feels the need to hold onto the extra mumbo-jumbo of the day. Or it can inevitably drop everything forcefully — leaving you exhausted. 

Seek Help

One of the first things to do is to seek help from a professional. Many qualified psychologists and occupational therapists have experience treating overstimulation. Techniques like behavioral therapy, and sensory integration help patients engage with the world around them, learning healthy long-term coping mechanisms. 

Self Care

Self-care is another extremely important facet of our daily lives when it comes to managing stress. It’s ingrained into much of what we do here at Sage Collective and is vital to our Vibrant Living model. Give yourself permission, and time to rest and recharge. This means setting boundaries, putting down the phone, remote, or laptop and finding something else to redirect your time and attention towards. 

Mindful Breathing

Practice mindful breathing, scientific studies have shown that mindful breathing techniques can reduce stress and promote physical and mental well-being. Breathing essentially acts as an anchor that will keep you rooted in place against the aforementioned torrent. Finding the time to stop and take a few breaths has also been proven to release endorphins from the brain to promote a sense of relaxation and calm, give us more energy, release muscle tension and decrease pain.

We urge you to continue to find coping mechanisms and ways to restore balance in this fast-paced world, ones that you’re most comfortable with and can maintain for the long-term. Your inner peace is vital to leading a healthy and vibrant life, one that is full of purpose, and engagement.  

At peace
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02.02.23 | Community

National Self-Check Month: Checking Yourself Out

Oftentimes, we hear the stories behind what it feels like to lose someone, the whirlwind of emotions like pain, guilt, even the anger we associate with that loss. But what if the person lying on the table were you? Would you have second thoughts? Would you ask yourself, “What could ‘I’ have done better?” If so, then it may be time to start taking care of yourself more, and we’ll show you how.


Today we generally hear a lot about “self love” and taking the time to commit a piece of our lives to “self care.” What we don’t often hear about is the practice of Self-Checking. This is considered the umbrella term for self love and self care, just with more emphasis on physical awareness and wellbeing. 


This means finding some time today to ask yourself important questions like, “Is there pain anywhere on my body?”, “How do I feel currently?”, and “Is there anything out of place?” (Hopefully it’s not an arm or a leg of course) Make sure to examine your body on a regular basis to ensure that you are healthy. Find your personal “normal” and if it at all looks different than the day before, you might need to make a visit to your personal physician. 

Your age, sex, family history, and lifestyle all have an impact on the self-checks you should be performing. Early detection of most cancers, heart problems, diabetes, and weight issues tend to be simpler to address and have better long-term outcomes when detected early. Many people don’t perform self checks because they think they don’t want to know if they’re sick, or believe that they are not at risk for disease. However, the earlier an issue is detected, the more likely a person is to get the treatment that can save their life.


Consider the basic healthy lifestyle habits like, eating well, and getting regular exercise that will contribute immensely to your mind, body and soul. The 9 Vibrant Ways of Living will give you an outline to build these healthy habits.

Most people are familiar with the self-check for breast cancer, but self-checks don’t always mean a physical self-evaluation. Understanding your personal risks and knowing the warning signs that indicate you are not completely healthy are important. There are various cancers that you can be aware of to check for, as well as keeping an eye out for heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other health issues that may run more deeply in your family than others. If you need help going through the self-check process, Selfchec is a great step-by-step guide to checking yourself out

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01.19.23 | Arts & Culture

aRT Without the Capital “A”

Believe it or not, the little stick figure you managed to draw as a kid on is considered a masterpiece. Okay, maybe not a “masterpiece” per se, but definitely a piece of work you should be proud of, because that same stick figure is doing more than you might think.

Flexing That Creative Muscle

Everyone is capable of creative expression. Regardless of skill level, age, or disability, the benefits of creating art are nigh infinite. Whether you draw, paint, do woodwork, or draw stick figures, making art is good for the mind, body, and soul.

The act of creation has been linked to a reduction in anxiety and stress. It even improves your sense of agency when it comes to imagining solutions to problems you may face on a regular basis. 

Making “aRT”


Start with what you enjoy — maybe something you’ve done before, maybe something you loved as a kid. But keep an open mind in this process.

Anything that engages the creative mind — reformatting the ability to make and establish connections between unrelated things through visual communication — is good for you.

Here’s a few to get you going: finger painting, cooking, baking, collaging, oil painting, weaving, knitting, crocheting, writing screenplays, scrapbooking — lose yourself in the process and let go of expectations.

Do what lets you express yourself fully in the world of art making. You do not need to complete a project or like what you’re making to feel the various health benefits.

“aRT” Like You Exercise, Like You Eat

Just as you make time to eat, exercise and hang out with family and friends, you should make time for your new found joy for artistic expression. Creativity in and of itself is important for remaining healthy — remaining connected to yourself and remaining connected to the world.

Chicago Methodist Senior Services offer a few more resources for healthy art making, enjoy!

Art therapy
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01.05.23 | Community

Goal-Making: How to Set Yourself Up for the New Year

Say this affirmation out loud:


“I will live within my purpose and make smarter decisions that lead to my own vibrant living!


Setting goals doesn’t have to be rocket science, just well thought out. They should be designed to be SMART. Here are 5 ways toward smarter goal making that will set you up for the rest of the year:












Specific Goal Making

First, any goal you have should be clear and defined. You need them to show you the way. Make it as easy as you can by defining precisely where you want to end up.


Measurable Goal Making

In addition to your specific goal, try using precise statements that measure your success. Instead of saying, “Maybe I’ll go to the gym sometime this month,” say to yourself, “I will go to the gym starting today!”  Without a way to measure your success you miss out on the celebration that comes with having achieved something.


Attainable Goal Making

Above all, it is crucial that you set goals that are attainable with reasonable resistance. By setting realistic yet challenging ones, you hit the balance needed for your own personal development.


Relevant Goal Making

Now for a little perspective, where do you want to be 3 months, 5 months from now? Goals should be relevant to the direction you want your life and career to take. Keeping this in mind, you develop the focus needed to get ahead of the curve and stay motivated!


Timed Goal Making

One word, deadline. Despite whether you love them or hate them, deadlines work to increase sense of urgency and achievement will only come that much quicker when you set one in stone. 


In the end, by de-mystifying goal setting it no longer feels like rocket science. And you begin to make smarter and more informed decisions about your life and wellbeing.


Meditating on New Years Resolutions
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12.15.22 | Community

The Benefits of Befriending Your Neighbors

At Sage Collective, we strive to foster feelings of value and community. And, with engagement in social life as one of the pillars in our 9 Ways of Vibrant Living, it should come as no surprise that we believe in the impact and importance of neighborliness within communities. That’s why today, we’re highlighting the significance behind knowing your neighbor.

Drawing data from a Pew Research Center study conducted in 2019, research shows that a majority of Americans don’t know most of their neighbors — and they barely talk to the ones they do know. Over the last several decades, our connections with our neighbors have been fraying. Because we’re leaving our homes with screens in our hands, and since the pandemic made us even less likely than we were before to stop and chat with new folks, most of the people living around us are strangers.

Befriending neighbors ensures a helping hand in times of need, provides new friends to explore your larger neighborhood and builds strong communities, which leads to healthier, happier and longer lives. Whether you know everything about your neighbor or they’re a stranger to you, here are a few actions you can take to ensure an enriching relationship in your community: 

The simplest way to start a friendship is by sharing a smile. Because smiling is a mood-enhancing action, not only will you feel better and less stressed, but those around you will perceive you as a welcoming person. The easy effort is the best way to start an introduction or continue a conversation where it left off. 

Small talk is something we all love to hate, but embracing the awkwardness of not knowing someone helps a ton with getting to know them! Don’t shy to chit-chat about everything from food and drinks to the latest movies and television shows to find shared interests. 

The bottom line is there’s no downside to knowing your neighbor. Befriending your neighbor only comes with a wealth of benefits. So step outside and start a conversation today!

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12.01.22 | Community

The Importance of Normalizing Grief

Pain and grief are a natural part of our lives and aren’t just things we see or feel at the end of life. In reality, these feelings surround us daily whether we know it or not, and while they’re typically associated with sadness, they don’t always have to be. And while grief is often seen as taboo, it’s important to alter the conversation around the subject to create a safe and supportive community for all.

It’s critical to know that there is no perfect answer to everything with grief; everyone has to find what works best for them, and this may look different depending on the person. So, try to be patient with yourself, and take every day one step at a time. 

One of the best ways to normalize the process of grieving is simply by acknowledging what you’re going through. Let yourself feel everything, and allow yourself space to feel comfortable sharing those feelings, even if that means you need a break here or there. Ensure that you also have a way to do something with your feelings, which can be anything from talking to friends or family to writing or painting. 

While looking for support from others can sometimes feel selfish, it’s not. Lean on as many people as possible and remember to look for the good in the situation. By being vulnerable, you allow the opportunity to build trust, relationships and support.  

Grief is something we all experience. It’s not something we can hide from, so why not face it head-on and create a safe and supportive experience not only for yourself, but for the world? 

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