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10.12.23 | Sage Advice®

The Art of Storytelling: Nat King Cole

At Sage Collective, we’re all about the stories that shape our lives, and when an artist like Nat King Cole pours his heart into his music, it’s impossible not to be drawn in. Cole, with his smooth voice and heartfelt storytelling, teaches us invaluable lessons in the art of expression.

Cole’s storytelling prowess comes from a place of genuine authenticity. Take his iconic song “Unforgettable,” for instance. It’s not just a love song; it’s a moving tale of love’s enduring power. It’s a reminder that the most potent storytelling springs from the heart, conveying the raw, unfiltered truth of our experiences.

One thing that sets Cole apart is his ability to turn personal stories into something universal. Whether he’s singing about love, heartbreak, or everyday life, his songs resonate with people from all walks of life. Cole shows us the magic of finding the threads that connect our individual experiences to the larger tapestry of humanity.

While Amanda Gorman uses poetry, Cole does it through music. His songs like “Mona Lisa” and “The Christmas Song” enchant with their rhythms and reflective lyrics. When sharing your own story, consider adding a touch of the poetic. It’s not about composing verses but using language in an artful way to add depth and emotion to your narrative, just as Cole did with his timeless melodies.

Nat King Cole’s work isn’t just about beautiful music; it’s about stories that make a difference. Songs like “Nature Boy” and “Smile” carry messages of love, empathy, and hope. These narratives aren’t relics of the past; they’re catalysts for inspiring change. Cole teaches us that our stories can foster empathy, understanding, and action. Through storytelling, you too can inspire others and ignite transformation, just as he did with his timeless classics.

Exploring storytelling through Nat King Cole’s music reveals narratives that capture the essence of the human experience. Taking a page from his book, let’s believe that our stories, told with authenticity and purpose, have the potential to touch and change lives, just as his music has done for generations.

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03.31.22 | Arts & Culture

The Art of Storytelling & Why You Should Share Your Story

At Sage Collective, we believe that everyone should feel empowered to express their unique voice. Storytelling is one of the best ways to do so while supporting vibrant living, and, has the power to inspire those exposed to it. Today, we’re highlighting the value behind the art of storytelling and why you shouldn’t hesitate from sharing your own story.

The art of storytelling is a valuable tool used by numerous cultures across the world for thousands of years. Throughout history, humans have found various ways to translate their emotions and experiences through ever-changing forms of communication. From cave drawings to spoken word to cinematography, there are countless ways we have been able to tell our stories.  

Finding Your Voice

As we’ve mentioned, sharing your story is a powerful tool that can heal trauma, create empathy, and even help those exposed to it. However, before you can tell your story, you must find your voice.

You might be asking what this means. In simple terms, discovering your voice means that you know the value behind your story. You want others to be able to hear what you want to say, and through this desire, confidence rises, and you are allowed more freedom to express yourself through whatever means. 

Finding your unique voice and sharing your story can be a daunting but rewarding challenge. One of the best ways of articulating your story is through writing or journaling. Writing is a powerful form of self-expression and allows you to communicate your voice through written word. If writing isn’t your forte, try drawing or even scribbling. 

No matter what method you use for storytelling, it’s key to remember that your voice matters. Continue to listen to yourself, be authentic and look for meaning in everything you do. You have the right to express yourself, and by doing so, you could have the power to inspire others. 

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11.02.21 | Community

Why You Should Start Journaling if You Aren’t Already

As part of our 9 Ways of Vibrant Living at Sage Collective, we are proponents of any activity that reduces stress and increases overall wellbeing. Burnout and stress are familiar to many of us, and it’s imperative to find someone or something to help manage, control and minimize these feelings. Journaling is one delightful distraction that diminishes those anxieties and comes with a handful of other benefits, particularly for older adults.

 Along with functioning as a means to escape the world around you, journaling is an enjoyable way to pass the time and alleviate any stressors that come with life. It’s difficult to separate the positive and negative experiences that happen to us daily. Conveying thoughts by putting pen to paper is one way to help release emotions while granting your mind and body relaxation from the tension you may have been feeling.

Many people who journal will often follow guides and roadmaps that help steer their process, but the brilliant thing about journaling is that the quality and subject of your writing are less important than the actual act. Having the opportunity to write about anything from daily stressors and positive affirmations to poetry increases creativity, along with numerous other cognitive benefits.

For many older adults, cultivating a routine can combat negative sleeping habits and feelings of isolation. Like any new habit, we recommend journaling at the same time each day to help create a routine, whether you start your day with a few morning pages or reflect before going to bed.

Along with improving sleep and reducing loneliness, jotting down experiences, emotions and everything in between helps older adults preserve their memories and sharpen their minds. Journaling acts as a memory aid and, with time, can generate more effective recollections for older adults.

Whether you prefer to write in a notebook or favor typing on your phone, journaling is a fantastic way to reduce the stressors of your daily life and sharpen your memory and mind. If you want to learn more about how to begin journaling or need a boost of creativity to start the process, check out the video below.

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