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07.11.24 | Fitness & Activity

Dive Into Wellness: The Benefits of Swimming for Older Adults

Staying active and healthy is fundamental to self-empowerment and living a vibrant life. Time and again, it has been scientifically proven that physical activity is key to improving physical health, mental health, and overall quality of life for older adults.

Swimming is often celebrated as a perfect exercise for people of all ages, but it holds particular benefits for older adults. At Sage Collective, we emphasize the importance of physical activity as a key component of vibrant living. Swimming offers a unique blend of cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility training, making it an ideal exercise for older adults looking to maintain their health and well-being.

Here’s a closer look at why swimming is a fantastic choice for older adults.

Low-Impact Exercise: One of the primary benefits of swimming is that it is a low-impact exercise. The buoyancy of the water supports the body, reducing stress on joints and minimizing the risk of injury. This makes swimming an excellent option for older adults, particularly those with arthritis or joint pain. Unlike high-impact activities such as running, swimming allows individuals to work out vigorously without putting undue strain on their bodies.

Cardiovascular Health: Swimming is a great cardiovascular workout. It helps to improve heart health by increasing circulation and boosting lung capacity. Regular swimming can lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and improve overall cardiovascular fitness. For older adults, maintaining a healthy heart is crucial, and swimming offers an enjoyable way to achieve this.

Improving Strength and Flexibility: Swimming engages multiple muscle groups, helping to build strength and endurance. The resistance of the water provides a natural form of strength training, which is essential for maintaining muscle mass as we age. Additionally, swimming promotes flexibility. The wide range of motions involved in swimming strokes, such as reaching, twisting, and kicking, helps to keep joints flexible and muscles supple.

Mental Health Benefits: The benefits of swimming extend beyond physical health. Swimming has been shown to reduce stress and promote relaxation. The rhythmic nature of swimming, combined with the soothing properties of water, can have a calming effect on the mind. For older adults, who may experience stress or anxiety related to aging or health concerns, swimming can be a therapeutic activity that promotes mental well-being.

Social Interaction: Swimming can also be a social activity. Many communities offer swimming classes, water aerobics, and senior swim times, providing opportunities for older adults to socialize and build connections. Engaging in group activities can combat feelings of loneliness and isolation, fostering a sense of community and support.

Enhancing Balance and Coordination: Swimming helps to improve balance and coordination, which are critical for preventing falls—a common concern for older adults. The stability required to move through the water engages the core muscles and improves overall body awareness. These benefits can translate to better balance and coordination on land, reducing the risk of falls and associated injuries.

Accessibility: Swimming is an accessible form of exercise for many older adults. Most communities have public pools, and many fitness centers offer senior-friendly swimming programs. Additionally, swimming can be tailored to individual fitness levels, making it an inclusive activity for those with varying degrees of mobility and fitness.

Tips for Getting Started
If you’re new to swimming or it’s been a while since you’ve been in the pool, here are a few tips to help you get started:

Consult Your Doctor: Before starting any new exercise program, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider, especially if you have any preexisting health conditions.

Start Slow: Begin with shorter sessions and gradually increase the duration and intensity of your swims as your fitness improves.

Join a Class: Consider joining a water aerobics class or a swim group for older adults. This can provide structure, motivation, and social interaction.

Use Proper Gear: Invest in a good pair of swim goggles, a comfortable swimsuit, and, if necessary, flotation devices or water weights.

Stay Hydrated: Even though you’re in the water, it’s important to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water before and after your swim.

At Sage Collective, we believe in fostering vibrant living through activities that nourish both the body and the mind. Dive into the world of swimming and experience the transformative benefits it can bring to your health and happiness.

Credit: FG Trade
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05.30.24 | Arts & Culture

The Transformative Power of Storytelling: Insights from Donald Brooks Jones

In the captivating finale of Season 1 of the Sage Vibrant Living podcast, Donald Brooks Jones, an accomplished author and co-founder of Alchemy Media Publishing, delves into the profound art and impact of storytelling. His insights not only shed light on the mechanics of crafting compelling narratives but also underscore the significant role storytelling plays in preserving histories, sharing wisdom, and influencing lives. This episode is a treasure trove of guidance for anyone eager to tell their own stories, whether for personal reflection, to preserve family history, or to make a mark on the world.

Why Storytelling Matters
Storytelling is an intrinsic part of human culture and an essential tool in the fabric of social communication. As Jones points out, stories have the power to bridge generations, cultures, and geographies. They carry the weight of our histories and the flight of our imaginations, allowing us to convey complex ideas, emotions, and experiences across time and space. For older adults, storytelling becomes particularly poignant, serving as a conduit to pass on legacy, wisdom, and life lessons.

Starting Your Storytelling Journey
Jones emphasizes the importance of just beginning, no matter how daunting the task may seem. Starting the storytelling journey requires a blend of introspection and observation. It’s about finding those moments, relationships, and insights that have shaped who you are and how you see the world. This process not only helps to preserve personal and collective histories but also validates and celebrates individual life experiences.

Crafting Your Narrative
One of the key highlights from Jones’s discussion is the art of crafting your story. He breaks down various techniques that aid in structuring narratives that are not only coherent but also engaging. This involves establishing a disciplined writing routine, understanding the elements of good storytelling, and learning how to evoke emotions and connect with your audience. Whether it’s through setting a regular writing schedule or mapping out the plot and characters, the discipline of writing requires commitment and passion.

Overcoming Challenges
Every storyteller faces hurdles, from writer’s block to doubts about relevance or impact. Jones discusses practical alternatives and solutions to these challenges, such as using voice-to-text software for those uncomfortable with typing or engaging with writing groups for feedback and motivation. The key is to find what works for you and to keep moving forward.

Memoir vs. Autobiography
An important distinction that Jones highlights is between memoir and autobiography. Understanding this can help budding writers decide how to approach their own stories. While a memoir focuses on specific moments or periods in life, emphasizing emotional experiences, an autobiography is a more comprehensive chronology of the author’s life. This focus helps writers decide what to include in their stories and how to frame their narratives.

The Impact of Storytelling
Jones eloquently concludes that the value of storytelling extends beyond the pages on which words are written. Stories have the power to heal, connect, and inspire. They foster empathy, enhance understanding, and create communities. For the elderly, stories are not just reminiscences; they are the legacies that impart values and lessons for future generations.

As Donald Brooks Jones reiterates, storytelling is a powerful tool that each of us holds. It requires us to tap into our deepest selves and to share our truths with the world. For listeners of the Sage Vibrant Living podcast and readers of the Sage Advice blog, taking up storytelling can be a profoundly enriching endeavor—one that enriches both the storyteller and the audience alike.

This masterclass with Donald Brooks Jones isn’t just a lesson in storytelling; it’s an invitation to wield the power of your narrative to connect, educate, and inspire. Whether through a memoir, a blog, or bedtime stories to your grandchildren, remember that your stories are worth telling.

Credit: Reuben Juarez on Unsplash
Credit: Reuben Juarez on Unsplash
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02.29.24 | Fitness & Activity

Family Fitness Fun: Activities for All Generations

At Sage Collective, we emphasize the importance of wellness and community in our journey towards a full, happy and high-quality life, as seen across our 9 Ways of Vibrant Living. An engaging way to combine these elements is through family fitness activities. Participating in physical activities as a family promotes health while strengthening bonds across generations, creating cherished memories and shared experiences.

The Benefits of Family Fitness

Family fitness activities offer a multitude of benefits. They provide an opportunity for quality time, foster healthy habits, and can be tailored to accommodate the abilities and interests of all family members, from the youngest to the oldest. Physical activity is essential at every age, and doing it together can make it more enjoyable and sustainable.

Here are some of our favorite intergenerational fitness ideas:

Nature Walks and Hikes: Exploring local parks or nature trails as a family is an excellent way to enjoy the outdoors and get moving. These walks can be leisurely or more challenging, depending on the family’s fitness levels.

Gardening Together: Gardening is a wonderful way to be active, enjoy the outdoors, and teach children about nature and nutrition. It can be a relaxing and rewarding activity for older adults as well.

Dance Parties: Organize a family dance party in your living room or backyard. Dancing is a fun way to get everyone moving, regardless of their age or skill level.

Yoga Sessions: Hosting a family yoga session can be a calming and bonding experience. There are various yoga practices suitable for all ages and abilities.

Biking: A family bike ride is a great way to explore your neighborhood or local bike paths while getting a good workout.

Team Sports: Engaging in team sports like soccer, basketball, or even simple games like tag can be fun for the whole family and foster a sense of teamwork and cooperation.

Tips for Successful Family Fitness

For successful family fitness, it’s essential to embrace inclusivity by selecting activities that cater to various ages and fitness levels, ensuring everyone can participate. Establishing a regular routine for these activities can help in building a lasting habit that becomes a cherished part of your family’s life. The key is to keep these fitness sessions enjoyable and light-hearted; the primary goal is to have fun and enjoy being active together. Additionally, safety should always be a priority, particularly when activities involve children or older family members. By considering these factors, family fitness becomes not only a means of staying healthy but also a source of joy and bonding for the entire family.

Incorporating fitness into family life is more than just an exercise; it’s an investment in your family’s health and relationships. Finding activities that everyone can enjoy is crucial, and it creates a foundation of healthy habits and precious moments together. Choose activities that can be modified to suit different ages and fitness levels, establish regular family fitness times to build a habit, and most importantly, keep the atmosphere light and playful. Always prioritize safety, especially when involving children or older family members.

As we embrace family fitness, we’re not just moving our bodies; we’re strengthening bonds and creating joyous memories. It’s about enjoying the journey together, one step, stretch, or pedal at a time, and fostering a lifestyle that values health and togetherness. Let’s make family fitness a delightful and essential part of our vibrant living journey.

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02.14.24 | Arts & Culture

Embracing the Art Haiku: A Window into Mindfulness and Creativity

At Sage Collective, we appreciate the power of expression in its many forms, and one of the most enchanting and accessible forms of poetic expression is haiku. Originating in Japan in the 17th century, haiku is a brief, structured form of poetry that offers a window into the world of mindfulness, simplicity, and the beauty of the present moment.

The Essence of Haiku

Traditional haiku is a three-line poem with a 5-7-5 syllable structure, often focusing on images from nature and emphasizing clarity, intensity, and directness of expression. This poetic form is more than just a set of rules; it’s an invitation to pause and observe the world around us, to capture a fleeting moment in a few simple words.

Richard Wright
Farm Security Administration – Office of War Information Photograph Collection (Library of Congress)

Contemporary haiku, while still rooted in the traditional form and essence of Japanese haiku, often explores a broader range of themes beyond the natural world, including urban life, human emotions, and social commentary. In fact, one of the greatest practitioners of contemporary haiku was the legendary novelist and short story writer, Richard Wright. In the last two years of his life, Wright, best known for seminal works like Native Son (1940) and his autobiography, Black Boy (1945), turned his artistic expression to the haiku form, writing nearly 4,000 poems. A magnificent collection of 817 of Wright’s haiku was published in 1998 entitled, Haiku: The Other World.

These contemporary haikus reflect the evolution of the form, embracing a wide array of subjects and emotions while maintaining the essence of haiku — capturing a moment, feeling, or thought with depth and clarity. Wright’s works honor the tradition by conveying powerful images and insights in just a few words, demonstrating the enduring appeal and adaptability of haiku poetry.

Haiku as a Mindful, Creative Exercise

For us, especially as we embrace the golden years, writing haiku can be a meditative and insightful practice. It encourages us to slow down and notice the small details of our environment — the dew on a leaf, the play of light and shadow, or the quiet stillness of the early morning. In focusing on these details, we engage in mindfulness, which can enhance our mental clarity and emotional balance.

Despite its apparent simplicity, crafting a haiku can be a delightful creative challenge. It pushes us to distill our thoughts and feelings into their purest form, to find the essence of an experience or emotion in just a few words. This creative process can be incredibly rewarding, offering a sense of accomplishment and joy in our ability to capture the beauty of the ordinary.

Sharing and Connecting Through Haiku

Haiku writing can also be a means of connecting with others. Sharing our haiku with friends, family, or within a community group can spark conversations, forge bonds, and offer insights into each other’s perspectives. It’s a way to communicate deeply felt experiences in a concise and poignant manner.

Embarking on the journey of writing haiku is simple:

  • Start by observing your surroundings or reflecting on a recent experience.
  • Focus on sensory details and the emotions they evoke.
  • Experiment with the 5-7-5 syllable structure, but don’t feel bound by it. The essence of haiku lies in capturing a moment or feeling.

Embracing the Art of Haiku

In the art of writing haiku, we find a blend of mindfulness, creativity, and connection. As a form of expression accessible to everyone, it holds a special place in the world of poetry. We encourage you to try your hand at this beautiful, contemplative practice and discover the joy and tranquility it can bring into your life.

Embracing the Art of Hailu
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01.11.24 | Health & Wellness

Embracing Rest: The Health Benefits of Taking Naps

In our continuous journey toward vibrant living at Sage Collective, we often discuss various facets of health and wellness. Today, let’s explore an often overlooked but essential aspect of well-being: the power of napping. While it might seem like a small part of our daily routine, taking naps can have a surprisingly significant impact on our overall health.

Napping: More Than Just a Pause
Napping isn’t just about catching a few moments of sleep; it’s a form of rest that can rejuvenate the mind and body. In our fast-paced world, taking the time to nap can be a deliberate act of self-care.

Endless Benefits
One of the most immediate benefits of napping is the boost it gives to our cognitive functions. A short nap can enhance alertness, improve memory, and increase creativity. For us in the older adult community, this can be particularly beneficial, as it helps keep our minds sharp and agile. In fact, in a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, researchers examined data from nearly 3,000 people in China aged 65 and older. Within that sampling, nearly 60% reported napping after lunch for about an hour. The research team found that those who napped for 30 to 90 minutes had better word recall and were also better at figure drawing than those who didn’t nap or who napped for longer than 90 minutes.

Napping has also been linked to improved heart health. Studies have shown that a regular, short nap can reduce stress and decrease the risk of heart disease. By allowing our body to rest, we reduce the strain on our heart and lower stress hormones.

A quick nap can do wonders for our mood. It’s a natural way to lift our spirits and combat feelings of tiredness or fatigue. Napping provides a mental and emotional reset, offering a break from daily stresses and recharging our energy.

Besides mental and emotional benefits, napping can contribute to our physical health. It can help in regulating blood pressure, boosting the immune system, and even aiding in weight management. Sleep, even in the form of a nap, plays a crucial role in maintaining our physical health.

Tips for Effective Napping
To reap the full benefits of napping, it’s important to nap effectively:

  • Keep naps short (around 20-30 minutes) to avoid feeling groggy afterward.
  • Nap earlier in the afternoon to not disrupt nighttime sleep.
  • Create a restful environment, quiet and comfortable, conducive to sleep.

As we continue to embrace the principles of vibrant living, incorporating short naps into our daily routine can be a transformative step towards enhanced mental, emotional, and physical well-being. So, let’s give ourselves permission to pause, rest, and rejuvenate, one nap at a time.

Credit: kali9
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01.04.24 | Community

The Importance of Setting Resolutions in the New Year

Now that 2024 is upon us, it brings an opportunity for reflection and renewal. At Sage Collective, we understand the importance of this time as an opportunity to set resolutions – not just as a tradition, but as a meaningful practice in our journey towards vibrant living.

The Power of Resolutions
Resolutions are more than just yearly promises we make to ourselves; they are declarations of intent and pathways to personal growth. They provide us with a chance to pause, assess our lives, and decide what changes we wish to make. For us in the older adult community, this is particularly powerful, as it aligns with our ongoing pursuit of vibrant living at every stage of life.

Setting Achievable Goals
The key to successful resolutions lies in their realism and attainability. It’s about setting goals that are challenging yet achievable, and that contribute to our overall well-being. Whether it’s adopting a new fitness regimen, learning a new skill, or dedicating more time to a beloved hobby, each resolution should be a stepping stone towards a fuller, richer life experience.

The Importance of Health and Wellness
Many resolutions revolve around health and wellness, and for good reason. As we age, taking care of our physical and mental health becomes increasingly important. Resolutions can serve as commitments to ourselves to nurture our bodies and minds, whether through healthier eating, regular exercise, or mindfulness practices.

Staying Connected and Engaged
Resolutions can also foster social engagement and community involvement – key components of vibrant living. This might mean resolving to spend more time with family and friends, participating in community events, or engaging in volunteer work.

Lifelong Learning and Growth
The new year is also a perfect time to commit to lifelong learning. This could be through reading more, enrolling in a class, or even traveling to new places. Each of these resolutions enriches our lives, keeps our minds active, and supports our overall sense of joy and fulfillment.

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, let’s embrace the tradition of setting resolutions with optimism and enthusiasm. Let these resolutions be reflections of our aspirations and values, guiding us towards a year filled with health, happiness, and vibrant living.

Remember, the journey is as important as the destination. Let’s approach our resolutions with flexibility and kindness towards ourselves, understanding that each step forward, no matter how small, is a victory in its own right.

View of the sky looking up through a stand of trees
Credit: Ken Lane (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License)
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12.28.23 | Community

2023: A Year in Review

As we bid farewell to another remarkable year, we at Sage Collective are thrilled to share the highlights of 2023, a year marked by innovation, growth, and deeper connections within our community.

Continued Success of the Vibrant Learning Program

Our journey with the Vibrant Learning Program, in collaboration with Chicago Commons, has flourished throughout 2023. This year, we’ve deepened our relationship with the community, witnessing firsthand the transformative power of learning and engagement. From exploring the intricacies of new technologies to delving into diverse cultures, our program participants have embarked on an enriching journey.

Themes of tradition, storytelling, family connection, and freedom have remained at the heart of our curriculum. Our activities, including armchair travel and digital painting, have not only been educational but also immensely enjoyable, fostering a sense of joy and wonder among all participants.

Expanding Our Horizons

2023 was a milestone year for Sage Collective as we embraced innovative ways to connect with our audience. One of our most exciting initiatives was the integration of Facebook Live into our communication strategy. This platform allowed us to reach new digital audiences and strengthen ties with our existing community.

Our Facebook Live sessions, focusing on updates about Sage Collective’s activities, healthy eating discussions, and more, garnered significant engagement. The enthusiastic response from our audience has been truly inspiring, and we eagerly anticipate continuing these interactive sessions in the coming year.

Looking Ahead: The Vibrant Living Podcast

In our constant effort to innovate and inspire, we are excited to announce the upcoming launch of our ‘Vibrant Living Podcast’ in the new year. Building on the themes explored in our Sage Advice blog, this podcast will dive deeper into the power of storytelling. We believe that stories have the ability to connect, heal, and empower, and our podcast will be a testament to this belief. Stay tuned for this exciting new venture!

As we reflect on the year gone by, we feel immense gratitude for the continued support and enthusiasm of our community. The journey of Sage Collective is one of continuous learning and growth, and we can’t wait to see what the new year brings. Here’s to a vibrant and fulfilling 2024!

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07.28.22 | Community

How to Combat Senioritis As An Adult

It’s not just teenagers who can feel senioritis adults can too. We’ve all experienced it at some point; laziness, disinterest, having no motivation, not caring about the outcomes of our life. But just because these symptoms of checking out are universally experienced doesn’t make them okay to ignore. Today, we’re investigating adult senioritis, how checking out can affect your wellbeing and tools you can use to combat it:

What Senioritis Looks Like As An Adult

You might know senioritis as the affliction many seniors in high school experience as they enter their final year when their motivation declines and their drive to succeed diminishes. Though this phenomenon isn’t just found in young adults, anyone can experience senioritis. 

Typically, senioritis begins when there is a sign of a major transformation occurring in life, like graduating high school or even starting a new job. It begins with a fear of the future and feeling like you may not have control over a situation. As we age, many of the small tasks we enjoy earlier in life become tiresome and lose value to us, which can lead to checking out. 

However, it’s important to remember that checking out looks different to every person. The key is to recognize the signs and signals once you see them and begin taking action to snap out of the senioritis. 

How You Can Combat It

After acknowledging that you may be checking out, don’t start by setting unattainable goals for yourself – start small. Give yourself a to-do list of a handful of goals to reach every day, whether that’s going to the grocery store to run errands or making sure you respond to all of your emails. 

Once you’ve given yourself a list of small goals to aim for, the next step is to pair an incentive to it! Use motivations that connect back to why you might be checking out in the first place; if you’re starting a job, go shopping for new work clothes. Whatever your incentive is, use that to help drive you to complete your goals. 

As you tackle senioritis and become an active participant in your life again, remember to take it one step at a time. It might not always feel like you’ll be able to step out of it, but you will. 

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04.07.22 | Arts & Culture

The Importance of Knowing Your Family History

For many, digging into family histories may sound like a wholly worthwhile experience, while others may find it too time-consuming and extensive of a process – a common misconception. However, it’s more important than ever for all of us to learn, record and preserve the rich history connected to each of our lineages for our well-being and the well-being of future generations.

Our family histories are more than just birthdates and family tree charts; they’re full of rich information that helps each of us gain a stronger understanding of who we are. The information tied to family history has the ability to empower identities and build self-worth, especially for those who might not currently have access to information tied to their family’s past. 

As we collaborate with family, community members and other resources that may help us discover our family history, we not only build connections with people in the present but also from the past and into the future. 

Along with empowering identities, family history knowledge can have dramatic effects on your health and others in your family. Have you ever had a blank mind when the doctor asks if certain health conditions run in your family? Taking the time to reach out to family, and learn more about their medical history, is the best way to avoid this and discover what you might be at risk for. Knowing this history can help you make informed choices concerning your health to live a more vibrant life

There are countless resources online and in-person that you should take advantage of when starting your genealogical journey. The first resources everyone should look to are the ones you might already have, like family trees, scrapbooks and other family history basics. If you don’t have any yourself, connect with distant relatives to gather materials that you believe would be helpful to you. 

Websites like FamilySearch.org are perfect for those of us who want to dive even deeper into their identity and background, and it’s free to use. Another way to stay involved online is by joining the family history conversation online. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and blogs are perfect for making connections and expanding your resources through a network of family historians. 

Whether you already have a great deal of knowledge related to your family history or you’re new to the ancestry trend, having access to genealogy can change your life. Try taking an hour out of the day to poke around and see what you can discover for yourself.

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12.14.21 | Community

Deliciously Healthy Winter Dishes For Any Gatherings

When winter comes around, no matter where you end up, it’s not difficult to find the sweet treats and savory meals that are traditionally associated with the season. However, for those inspired to maintain or start conscious eating habits, the winter can be a difficult time filled with temptation. Today, inspired by our vibrant living principles, we’re sharing a few deliciously healthy winter dishes that anyone can enjoy this winter. 

Sweet Potatoes

A favorite during this time of year, sweet potatoes are hard not to enjoy. While most people enjoy sweet potatoes even sweeter, baked with brown sugar and marshmallows, there are various methods to cook the vegetables that are just as enjoyable but much healthier. Like a standard potato, sweet potatoes can be served in a variety of ways. Baking them whole, mashing them, and even dicing them in a salad proves how versatile the vegetables can be. No matter how you cook them, we promise they won’t lose the sweetness that makes them so delectable in the first place. 

Winter Crudités

Who doesn’t love a mix of fresh vegetables? Crudités make the perfect winter dish for that reason. Not only can the appetizer appeal to virtually anyone, but it comes with a plethora of highly vitamin-packed vegetables that you can personally pick and choose. If you want to put a twist on the classic appetizer, make your own tasty dip to pair with the refreshing produce. 

Festive Fruit Salad

While it might seem out of season, a festive and healthy fruit salad is sure to excite taste buds in the winter. Similar to the crudités, not only is this dish healthy, but you can bring it and eat it anywhere and anytime. The nourishing food makes a perfect option for a morning snack or a late-night dessert. Along with the fruit, don’t be afraid to add in extra ingredients that bring even more flavor to the salad like mint, basil, lavender or even cayenne pepper for a little heat. 

Seasonal Squash

Another versatile food, squash is the perfect vegetable to substitute in and out of almost every traditional meal. Typically harvested in the fall, the nutrient-packed acorn squash, sugar pumpkins, spaghetti squash and butternut squash are available for cooking your favorite dishes year-round. Some seasonal favorites include butternut squash mac and cheese, soup and casserole, stuffed acorn squash and roasted spaghetti squash with kale

Even with the sweet temptations that surround us throughout the holiday season, healthy options are never too far out of reach. Whether you’re serving food at home for yourself or preparing a dish to bring to a gathering, there are various methods we can each take to continue practicing conscious eating habits and living vibrantly.

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