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09.28.23 | Arts & Culture

Who Said Playtime Is Only For Kids?

From building sandcastles to playing hopscotch, every day was an adventure as kids. But as we grew up, responsibilities piled up, and the word ‘play’ somehow took a backseat. However, diving into recent research, we’re led to a revelation: Maybe it’s high time we adults introduce play back into our daily lives for better mental health and happiness.

The Transformative Power of Play

The act of playing, it turns out, isn’t just child’s play. It’s a profound tool that can transform our well-being. Engaging in playful activities has the potential to boost creativity, alleviate stress, and elevate our mood. It’s a reminder that joyspotting doesn’t have an age limit.

Engaging in play can also aid in cognitive functions. Just as children use play to understand the world, adults can use it to sharpen their minds, enhance problem-solving skills, and even foster better relationships with others. When we laugh, play, and engage in light-hearted competition, we break barriers, build trust, and foster camaraderie.

Reclaiming Your Playful Spirit with Vibrant Living

Our Vibrant Living program at Sage Collective recognizes the essence of holistic well-being. It’s not just about maintaining our physical health; it’s about nurturing our emotional and mental well-being. Embracing play and playful activities is aligned with this ethos, promoting not just life, but a life lived to its fullest.

So, how do you reintroduce play into your life? You don’t need a playground or toys. Playing for adults could mean trying out a new hobby, dancing whenever and wherever, joining a recreational sports league, or simply engaging in light-hearted banter with friends.

In the whirlwind of responsibilities and deadlines, it’s easy to dismiss play as frivolous. But as research suggests, it might be one of the simplest yet profound ways to infuse joy into our lives. Rediscover the magic of play. In doing so, you won’t just be rejoicing in the moment, but rejuvenating your soul. After all, why should kids have all the fun?

Who Said Playtime Is Only For Kids?
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08.31.23 | Community

Starting a Business or Pursuing a Passion Project as an Older Adults

In an age where personal growth is not just a youthful pursuit, older adults are embracing the adage that age is just a number. An inspiring study found that a whopping 55% of Americans aged 45 and up are actively learning new things. But why stop at learning? Today, more and more older adults are taking their newfound knowledge and using it as a springboard to start businesses or chase after passion projects.

Starting a business or pursuing a passion project in later life brings with it a unique set of advantages. Older adults possess a wealth of life experiences, years of honed skills, and often, a network of contacts built over a lifetime. This rich tapestry can become the foundation upon which new ventures thrive.

Moreover, there’s a beauty in launching an endeavor when one has reached a stage of life where societal expectations have shifted. The fear of failure, while still present, can be overshadowed by the exhilaration of following one’s dreams. After all, what better time to take risks than when you’re armed with the greatest tool of all, wisdom.

For those teetering on the edge of taking the plunge, Vibrant Living offers a beacon of inspiration. This ethos emphasizes the importance of embracing every moment, seeking out growth opportunities, and living life to its fullest, no matter one’s age. It’s never too late to reignite old passions or discover new ones, and Vibrant Living serves as a reminder of that potential.

But how does one transition from dream to reality? It begins with a single step. Whether it’s jotting down business ideas, enrolling in a workshop, seeking mentorship, or simply dedicating time each day to nurture a hobby – every action counts. Over time, these small steps coalesce into tangible results, leading to businesses blossoming or passion projects coming to fruition.

In conclusion, the later years of life are not just about reflection; they can be about action, innovation, and chasing dreams with renewed vigor. Starting a business or delving deep into a passion project is not the realm of the young alone. It’s an adventure open to anyone with courage in their heart and the enduring spirit to pursue it.

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08.17.23 | Community

National Relaxation Day: Your Sacred Space Matters

In the rush of everyday life, moments of tranquility can seem elusive. But what if you had a sanctuary within your home? A place where the cacophony of life takes a backseat, and you reconnect with your inner self? With National Relaxation Day around the corner, it’s time to delve deep into the art of creating personal spaces that epitomize peace, reflection, and Vibrant Living.

Crafting Your Personal Oasis

Creating a sacred space isn’t about grandeur or opulence. It’s about resonating with an environment that feels intrinsically ‘you’. A place where every item, scent, and texture evokes a sense of serenity.

Curate with Intention: Begin with what you love. Do certain artifacts, photographs, or mementos evoke peace or cherished memories? These items, when arranged thoughtfully, can form the cornerstone of your sanctuary.

Embrace Nature: Whether it’s a potted plant, a vase of fresh flowers, or the gentle sound of a water fountain, elements of nature can bring an unmatched serenity to your space. Natural light, too, can be a rejuvenating force, so position your space near a window if possible.

Digital Detoxing: In this era of constant connectivity, our devices often feel like extensions of ourselves. They keep us updated, informed, and entertained. But with the incessant pings and notifications, they also intrude upon our quiet moments, pulling us away from true relaxation.

This National Relaxation Day, consider adding a ‘digital detox’ component to your sacred space. Turning off our phones, or at least silencing them, is a powerful gesture of self-care. In the hush that ensues, we give ourselves permission to be present, to listen to our thoughts, and to engage deeply with our surroundings.

A Journey to Self-Reflection

Your sacred space is more than just a physical entity. It’s a reflection of your inner world, a tangible extension of your quest for Vibrant Living. As you sit within your created sanctuary, let the boundaries between the external and internal blur. This National Relaxation Day, may your sacred space be a conduit for self-reflection, tranquility, and a deeper connection with the essence of who you are.

In the heart of our homes, amidst the familiar and cherished, we can find a space that is uniquely ours. A space that reminds us of the simple joys of relaxation and the profound journey of self-reflection. So, as the world celebrates relaxation, take a moment to step into your sanctuary, breathe deeply, and embrace the tranquility it offers.

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08.10.23 | Arts & Culture

The Art of Storytelling: Maya Angelou

At Sage Collective, we hold dear the voices that share tales of human spirit, challenges, and victories. Among these, Maya Angelou stands tall, with her stories resonating through time, offering glimpses of her life and the wider journey. Through Angelou, we gain a fresh perspective on the art of storytelling.

Bearing Witness to Life’s Highs and Lows

Like Gorman, the power of Angelou’s tales comes from her genuine honesty. “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,” tells of the difficulties she faced, from facing prejudice to personal pain. Yet, she chose to openly share, lighting the way for countless silent stories. By sharing her struggles, she magnifies her successes, showing us that every part of our journey matters. Every story, whether personal or broad, has a universal echo. Through Angelou, we connect with emotions and experiences that touch hearts worldwide.

A Dance of Words and Rhythm

Angelou’s writing draws us in, but her poetry is where her words truly dance. Poems like “Still I Rise” and “Phenomenal Woman” enchant with their rhythmic flow and uplifting messages. When shaping your story, let Angelou inspire you. Fill your narrative with rhythm and emotion, creating an experience rather than just a tale.

Driving Forward With Purpose

A defining trait of Angelou’s work is its clear intent. She didn’t just share life moments; she shared lessons. “Still I Rise” isn’t just her journey—it’s a rallying cry for the oppressed. She shows that stories can do more than entertain; they can ignite change. When you write, know that your words have the power to move hearts and minds.

Lessons from Angelou on Storytelling

Angelou’s storytelling imparts wisdom beyond the narrative. She teaches us the importance of authenticity—stories need to come from a place of truth. She reminds us to embrace both pain and joy, as both are essential parts of the human experience. Moreover, her work emphasizes the need for stories to have a purpose, a message that drives them forward.

In wrapping up, exploring storytelling through Angelou’s eyes reveals tales that mirror shared hopes, challenges, and dreams. Taking a leaf from her book, let’s believe that our stories, grounded in truth and purpose, can touch and change lives.

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08.03.23 | Community

The Benefits of Chair Dancing for Older Adults: Fitness, Fun, and Flexibility

In our pursuit of vibrant living, physical activity plays an increasingly crucial role. At Sage Collective, we’re dedicated to promoting fun, engaging, and accessible ways to keep moving. One such practice that has been gaining popularity among older adults is chair dancing. Today, we’re explore the fascinating world of chair dancing and how this fun fitness routine can enhance physical health, mental clarity, and overall well-being.

What is Chair Dancing?

Chair dancing is a dynamic and enjoyable form of exercise that integrates the rhythms and movements of dance into a seated routine. This low-impact activity is designed to accommodate all ages and fitness levels, making it a superb choice for older adults. Using a chair for support, individuals can savor the joys of dancing without concerns about balance or mobility. It allows everyone, regardless of physical ability, to engage in an energetic activity that promotes cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and coordination.

Health Benefits of Chair Dancing

Chair dancing provides a comprehensive workout that engages various muscle groups, enhancing cardiovascular health, increasing muscle tone, and promoting better coordination and balance. This low-impact activity also promotes joint mobility and flexibility, critical elements in maintaining a vibrant and active lifestyle.

Beyond its physical benefits, chair dancing can significantly improve mental well-being. The invigorating music and engaging movements stimulate cognitive activity, encouraging memory recall and enhancing focus. By naturally lifting your mood and reducing stress, chair dancing helps foster a happier, more positive mindset.

Chair dancing also has social benefits. Participating in a group setting can create a sense of community and connection. Joining a chair dancing class offers a fun, social way to stay active, contributing to an overall sense of well-being and joy as part of a vibrant lifestyle.

Getting Started with Chair Dancing

Starting your chair dancing routine requires some planning and gradual progression. Ensure you have a sturdy chair and enough space to move your arms and legs freely. Wearing comfortable clothing that facilitates easy movement is also essential. You can customize chair dancing to match your fitness level. If you’re new to the practice, start with slower, gentler routines and progressively build up to faster, more robust dances.

Community centers or gyms often offer chair dancing classes. If you prefer the comfort of your home, there are numerous online resources, including tutorials on YouTube and other platforms, catering to various skill levels. Most importantly, chair dancing should be fun and enjoyable. Use this time to express yourself, embrace the rhythm of the music, and immerse yourself in the joy of movement.

Chair dancing offers a host of physical, mental, and social benefits for older adults, contributing to a vibrant, fulfilling life. With such a fun and accessible form of exercise, it’s an excellent time to get moving and embrace an active lifestyle. At Sage Collective, we’re committed to nurturing a balanced, vibrant lifestyle that combines physical activity, mindfulness, and joy. With chair dancing, older adults can integrate all these elements, enhancing their well-being, and fostering a positive, active lifestyle.

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07.27.23 | Community

The Art of Slow Living: Embracing Mindfulness and Minimalism This Summer

As we bask in the long summer days, there’s a growing awareness of the need for slower, more intentional living. Building on our previous discussions about mindfulness, let’s explore how to harness the power of mindfulness and minimalism to experience a truly transformative summer. This season, we encourage you to embrace the ‘Art of Slow Living.’ Just as the sun takes its time to set, painting the sky, we too can bask in the moment, savoring the world around us. But how do we do this? Let’s delve into the practices of mindfulness and minimalism.


We’ve previously touched on the importance of mindful movement practices like Tai Chi, Yoga, and Qigong in fostering vibrant living. This summer, we encourage you to take this concept of mindfulness a step further. Beyond just movement, try to infuse mindfulness throughout your day. Feel the warm breeze on your skin, taste the sweet fruits of the season and listen to the sounds of the outdoors. Each moment presents an opportunity to be fully present, and there is no better time than a summer day to cultivate this habit.

Practices like Yoga and Qigong allow for a deeper connection with oneself and the world around us. These spiritual practices can be incredibly potent when taken outdoors during summer. Perhaps a gentle yoga sequence by the beach or a quiet Qigong session in a blooming park? Take this summer as an opportunity to deepen these practices, fostering a larger appreciation for the beauty that surrounds you.


Alongside mindfulness, we invite you to explore minimalism this summer. Contrary to popular belief, minimalism is not about denying ourselves pleasures or living a bare-bones lifestyle. It’s about making conscious choices about what we allow into our lives, focusing more on experiences and relationships than on possessions.

How can you embrace minimalism this summer? Try decluttering your home, simplifying your diet to include more fresh, local produce, or choosing experiences over material possessions. After all, a hike with loved ones or a day spent exploring a new town leaves a longer-lasting impression than the newest gadget.

By merging mindfulness and minimalism, you create space for meaningful connections – with others, with the natural world, and, most importantly, with yourself. Slow down and savor the summer in all its glory, embracing the art of living more with less. Embrace this season of warmth and growth, knowing that the journey to vibrant living is one step at a time, one mindful moment at a time. Summer is your canvas – paint it with mindfulness and minimalism, and see the masterpiece that unfolds.

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07.13.23 | Arts & Culture

What Amanda Gorman Teaches Us About Storytelling

At Sage Collective, we’re all about those personal journeys and the stories they create. And when someone like Amanda Gorman uses her talent to share those journeys, it’s impossible not to sit up and take notice. Gorman, with her poignant words and masterful storytelling, has offered us some great lessons on expression.

Telling Your Truth with Boldness

Gorman’s work brings forth an essential aspect of storytelling: raw, unfiltered honesty. A great example of this is her inaugural poem, “The Hill We Climb,” where she candidly paints the picture of a nation divided, and uses this as a canvas to craft a vision of unity and resilience. It’s more than a reflection on America’s political scene—it’s an intensely personal story of hope and unwavering determination. This courageous sharing of her perspective is a reminder for us all: the bumpy roads on our journey deserve as much recognition as our triumphs.

One thing that sets Gorman’s storytelling apart is her knack for weaving her personal stories into universal narratives. Despite being rooted in specific experiences, her stories strike a chord worldwide— a testament to the shared human experience we all are a part of.

So, when you’re sharing your story, remember, your unique journey is part of the much larger, grand tapestry of human life. Seek those threads that tie your personal experiences to the bigger narratives.

Harnessing the Power of Poetry

Gorman’s “The Hill We Climb” also highlights the compelling allure of poetry in storytelling. The rhythmic cadence, vivid imagery, and intricate metaphors all come together to create a concise, yet deeply moving expression of her experiences and emotions.

When sharing your story, don’t hesitate to employ a touch of the poetic. It’s not about composing verses, but more about using language in an artful way to add layers and richness to your narrative.

Inspiring Change Through Storytelling

What truly makes Gorman’s work stand out is how it transcends the beauty of language; each poem, each story, is a call to action. “The Hill We Climb” is more than just a reflection of the present—it’s a clarion call for a better tomorrow. In this, Gorman teaches us that our stories aren’t just relics of the past, but catalysts for inspiring change. By sharing your experiences, you too can foster empathy, understanding, and even trigger action. Your story holds the power to inspire others and spark transformation.

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07.06.23 | Arts & Culture

Digital Essentials: Navigating The Larger Web

For many older adults, engaging with digital technology is a journey of discovery and empowerment. It’s like learning to cook a new dish – it can be daunting at first, but with the right ingredients and recipe, it’s a joy to create something wonderful. Just as we advocate for a proactive approach to vibrant living, taking an active role in understanding and using digital tools can help older adults stay connected, continue learning, and contribute meaningfully in today’s digital age.

Digital Navigation: Walking Through the Web

Walking is fundamental to our daily lives. It’s how we get from one place to another. Similarly, browsing the internet is a form of digital walking. We navigate from one website to another, finding information, connecting with loved ones, shopping, or learning new things. Search engines like Google are the shoes that protect our feet, guiding us to where we want to go. However, remember to tread wisely and stay on safe paths, using websites that are secure (often marked with a small padlock icon near the URL) and avoiding clicking on suspicious links, just like you would avoid walking on a slippery surface.

Online Learning: Dressing Your Mind

Just as we dress ourselves in different clothes for different occasions, we dress our minds with knowledge for various scenarios. Digital tools offer older adults myriad ways to continue learning. Educational platforms such as Coursera, Khan Academy, or even YouTube provide a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips, on topics ranging from history to cooking, to learning a new language. Donning this digital attire can enhance one’s sense of purpose, encouraging continuous learning and curiosity.

Digital Communication: The Nutritious Social Meal

Eating is essential for physical health, and social communication is food for our emotional well-being. In a digital context, tools like Facebook, Skype, or Zoom are akin to nourishing meals. They provide essential social interaction, enabling engagement with family, friends, and social groups from the comfort of home. Digital communication can also reduce stress, offering an easy way to stay connected and engaged, even when physical distance might make it challenging.

Setting Intentions: A Digital Agenda

In the same vein as setting life goals, having a digital agenda can help guide your online activities. This could be as simple as deciding to spend ten minutes each day learning a new skill on YouTube, or setting aside time each week to video call with family. Your digital intentions should serve your broader life goals and promote vibrant living.

Taking Control: Understanding and Mastering Digital Tools

Mastering the digital world might seem overwhelming, just as learning new daily tasks can be. But remember, it’s okay to take it one step at a time. Start with basic tasks, like sending an email or making a video call, and gradually add more complex activities, such as online shopping or digital banking. You are in control of your digital journey, just as you are in your daily life.

At Sage Collective, we believe that understanding and using digital tools can significantly enhance our model of vibrant living. It offers endless possibilities for learning, connection, and engagement. Just as we actively participate in our daily lives, we can also take an active role in navigating the larger network of the web, leading to a more enriched and vibrant life. It’s never too late to embark on this digital journey.

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06.22.23 | Arts & Culture

Juneteenth: Honoring the Past, Embracing the Present, Envisioning a Vibrant Future

In the spirit of learning and understanding that fuels the Sage Collective, we’re delving into a significant moment in our shared American history, a moment that anchors us to our past as it guides us towards a more inclusive future – Juneteenth.

The essence of Juneteenth is one of freedom and liberation, dating back to 1863 when the Emancipation Proclamation declared enslaved African Americans free. The truth of this newfound freedom, however, took two years to permeate every state, with Texas being the last to hear the news. Hence, Juneteenth was born, officially recognized by President Joe Biden on June 17, 2021.

The celebration of Juneteenth, while filled with joy and reverence for the resilience of freedmen and freedwomen, was not devoid of strife. However, the spirit of determination and unity endured. By pooling resources, formerly enslaved people bought land in 1950, creating Emancipation Park in Houston, Texas, a testament to their collective resilience and a place for future Juneteenth celebrations.

The Juneteenth flag, designed by Ms. L.J. Graff, embodies this shared history and vision. Its colors echo the American flag, asserting the rightful place of freed people and their descendants as American citizens. The central star pays homage to Texas, while the bursting new star symbolizes a new dawn and new freedom.

As we honor Juneteenth, we also acknowledge the complex emotions that accompany this day of celebration. The weight of history can bring feelings of anxiety and stress, emotions we at Sage Collective encourage our members to acknowledge and discuss. We are committed to creating a safe space for these dialogues, believing that understanding our past is a crucial step toward shaping a vibrant and inclusive future.

Juneteenth, much like our mission at Sage Collective, is about embracing freedom and fostering vibrant living for all. It reminds us that freedom is also about the liberation of the mind and spirit. It’s about the courage to acknowledge the pain of our past, the determination to celebrate the progress of our present, and the vision to foster a future of justice, inclusivity, and vibrant living for everyone.

Join us as we commemorate Juneteenth this month and every month, and let its history and values inspire us as we continue to work towards a future where everyone can live vibrantly.

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06.08.23 | Community

Adapting to The Internet Highway: A User-Friendly Guide for Older Adults to Embrace the Digital World

We often refer to the internet as a modern highway. Imagine jumping onto the freeway of knowledge and connections, taking exits to destinations of choice, and disembarking when you’ve reached your desired location. The concept may seem daunting, especially for those of us who didn’t grow up in this digital age, but fear not! Just like learning to navigate any new terrain, once you understand the rules of the road, the journey becomes more manageable. 

However, the internet highway, much like any journey, comes with its share of challenges and potential roadblocks. But we firmly believe that it is never too late to embrace this digital world, and doing so can unlock new realms of communication, knowledge, and convenience. Here are some tips to ensure a smooth ride.

Learn the Basic Tools:

Your digital journey begins with understanding the basic tools. Computers, smartphones, and tablets are your vehicles on the Internet highway. Start by familiarizing yourself with their functionalities, like turning them on/off, charging, and installing applications. 

Understanding the Online Map:

Search engines like Google are the maps of the digital world. They help you locate the information or services you’re looking for. Entering words related to your topic of interest (keywords) will lead you to numerous websites, images, news, and more. On your journey, these tools within the online map will be useful resources in helping you better understand all of the directions you can travel. 

Safety First:

As on any journey, safety is paramount. Beware of digital road hazards like phishing (fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information) and cyberbullying. Always ensure you’re visiting secure websites (look for ‘https’ in the URL), avoid sharing sensitive personal information online, and maintain strong, unique passwords for all your accounts. 

Social Media as Scenic Routes:

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are excellent places to connect with loved ones, meet new friends, or join groups of interest. However, always be mindful of the information you share publicly. 

Embrace Online Learning:

Many institutions offer free or inexpensive courses online, from learning new languages to picking up cooking tips. Websites like Khan Academy, Coursera, or TED Talks are wonderful resources to broaden your horizons right from the comfort of your home. 

Tech Support is Your Roadside Assistance:

Finally, remember that there’s always help available. From the tech-savvy grandchild to the friendly helpline of your device manufacturer, don’t hesitate to ask for help if you find yourself lost on the digital highway.

Embracing the internet highway isn’t about leaving the past behind but about enriching our lives with the tools and resources of the present. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Happy traveling!

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