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07.27.23 | Community

The Art of Slow Living: Embracing Mindfulness and Minimalism This Summer

As we bask in the long summer days, there’s a growing awareness of the need for slower, more intentional living. Building on our previous discussions about mindfulness, let’s explore how to harness the power of mindfulness and minimalism to experience a truly transformative summer. This season, we encourage you to embrace the ‘Art of Slow Living.’ Just as the sun takes its time to set, painting the sky, we too can bask in the moment, savoring the world around us. But how do we do this? Let’s delve into the practices of mindfulness and minimalism.


We’ve previously touched on the importance of mindful movement practices like Tai Chi, Yoga, and Qigong in fostering vibrant living. This summer, we encourage you to take this concept of mindfulness a step further. Beyond just movement, try to infuse mindfulness throughout your day. Feel the warm breeze on your skin, taste the sweet fruits of the season and listen to the sounds of the outdoors. Each moment presents an opportunity to be fully present, and there is no better time than a summer day to cultivate this habit.

Practices like Yoga and Qigong allow for a deeper connection with oneself and the world around us. These spiritual practices can be incredibly potent when taken outdoors during summer. Perhaps a gentle yoga sequence by the beach or a quiet Qigong session in a blooming park? Take this summer as an opportunity to deepen these practices, fostering a larger appreciation for the beauty that surrounds you.


Alongside mindfulness, we invite you to explore minimalism this summer. Contrary to popular belief, minimalism is not about denying ourselves pleasures or living a bare-bones lifestyle. It’s about making conscious choices about what we allow into our lives, focusing more on experiences and relationships than on possessions.

How can you embrace minimalism this summer? Try decluttering your home, simplifying your diet to include more fresh, local produce, or choosing experiences over material possessions. After all, a hike with loved ones or a day spent exploring a new town leaves a longer-lasting impression than the newest gadget.

By merging mindfulness and minimalism, you create space for meaningful connections – with others, with the natural world, and, most importantly, with yourself. Slow down and savor the summer in all its glory, embracing the art of living more with less. Embrace this season of warmth and growth, knowing that the journey to vibrant living is one step at a time, one mindful moment at a time. Summer is your canvas – paint it with mindfulness and minimalism, and see the masterpiece that unfolds.

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11.17.20 | Health & Wellness

Healthy Eating Tips for Seniors

The old saying goes, “you are what you eat.” And it’s true — good dietary choices are the foundation of good health. Making these choices becomes even more important the older you get. Our metabolism slows down with age, meaning that older adults require less calories but the same, if not more, nutrients to maintain our wellbeing. That’s why today, we’re sharing four healthy eating tips for seniors to keep you (and your diet) on the right path.

Prioritize getting your nutrients 

The good news: nutrient-dense foods are often the lowest in calories. Avoid any empty carbs or calories, such as processed foods, and instead prioritize whole foods such as protein, produce and dairy. Pay specific attention to make sure you’re picking foods that are high in fiber and low in sodium and salt, too. 

Eat the rainbow

Because our bodies require a broad spectrum of nutrients, the best way to ensure you’re hitting all the marks is to have your plate look like a rainbow. Bright, colored foods often signify good choices. Lean proteins include meat (or meat alternatives such as tofu and seitan, if you’re interested in pursuing a more plant-based diet) lentils, chickpeas, eggs and beans (these are your red foods). Fresh produce (fruits and vegetables) are the perfect source for your vibrant oranges, purples, reds and greens. Meanwhile, whole grains such as rice and whole wheat pasta are a good way to get brown on the plate. 

Think good fats, not no fats

Fat isn’t a bad word. But bad fats, like saturated and trans fats, should be eliminated from your diet if possible. Try to focus on good fats instead, like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which can help protect your body against disease and improve your mood. This includes avocado, olive oil, nuts and fish and other foods high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Drink more water

This is a simple, but important step. Staying properly hydrated can do wonders for your physical and mental health. If possible, avoid any fluids that have sugars or salts added in, and focus instead on just clean, healthy drinking water — tea and coffee are also good choices. Overall, aim to consume at least eight glasses of water a day to stay properly hydrated.

Eating healthy may seem daunting, but at the end of the day, it’s about knowing your body’s needs, and making one informed decision at a time. 

Healthy eating shown through a vibrant plate of good, balanced foods
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