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09.21.23 | Community

Understanding the Japanese Philosophy of Nagomi

Words have the power to evoke profound feelings, emotions and connections. Much like the warmth captured by Hygge, or the humanistic beliefs shared in Ubuntu, there are countless philosophies from across the globe that make life more vibrant for all. Today, we’re diving into an ancient philosophy that embodies everything calm – Nagomi. 

What it means

Nagomi, pronounced “na-go-mi”, is derived from the Japanese verb “nagomu”, which means to calm down or to be comforted. At its heart, Nagomi is all about finding a sense of calm, peace, and tranquility within oneself, and by extension, with the world around. It signifies a harmonious balance between the inner self and the outer environment.

This philosophy emphasizes the importance of feelings over thoughts, promoting the idea that our emotions often harbor deeper truths about our well-being than our minds. For the Japanese, Nagomi is not just a fleeting feeling but an art of living that involves deeply respecting oneself and others and finding serenity even in the presence of chaos.

How you can practice Nagomi 

Much like Hygge’s invitation to enjoy the cozy and comfortable, Nagomi encourages us to cultivate moments of introspection and inner calm in our lives. Here’s a few ways you can incorporate Nagomi into your daily routine:

  • Nature Walks: Japan has always held a deep reverence for nature. Take a quiet walk in nature, in a garden, forest or along the beach. Breathe in the fresh air, observe the colors and textures and let nature’s symphony soothe your soul.
  • Mindful Breathing: Spend a few minutes each day focusing on your breath. Deep, conscious breathing can instantly bring a feeling of calmness and clarity. 
  • Traditional Arts: Engage in traditional Japanese arts like flower arranging or tea ceremonies. These activities require patience and concentration, allowing you to be fully present in the moment. 
  • Minimalist Living: Embrace simplicity in life. Declutter your living spaces and keep only what is truly essential. The external calm will reflect internally. 
  • Connection: Like Ubuntu’s focus on human connection, Nagomi also values the serenity that comes from harmonious relationships. Regularly engage in meaningful conversations and activities with loved ones, cultivating a space of mutual respect and understanding. 

At Sage, we believe that life’s beauty lies in its intricacies. From the vibrant moments of togetherness that Hygge brings to the profound interconnection embodied by Ubuntu, and now, the tranquil harmony of Nagomi, there’s a world of philosophies awaiting to enrich our lives. Embrace them, and find your own path to a vibrant life.

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08.03.23 | Community

The Benefits of Chair Dancing for Older Adults: Fitness, Fun, and Flexibility

In our pursuit of vibrant living, physical activity plays an increasingly crucial role. At Sage Collective, we’re dedicated to promoting fun, engaging, and accessible ways to keep moving. One such practice that has been gaining popularity among older adults is chair dancing. Today, we’re explore the fascinating world of chair dancing and how this fun fitness routine can enhance physical health, mental clarity, and overall well-being.

What is Chair Dancing?

Chair dancing is a dynamic and enjoyable form of exercise that integrates the rhythms and movements of dance into a seated routine. This low-impact activity is designed to accommodate all ages and fitness levels, making it a superb choice for older adults. Using a chair for support, individuals can savor the joys of dancing without concerns about balance or mobility. It allows everyone, regardless of physical ability, to engage in an energetic activity that promotes cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and coordination.

Health Benefits of Chair Dancing

Chair dancing provides a comprehensive workout that engages various muscle groups, enhancing cardiovascular health, increasing muscle tone, and promoting better coordination and balance. This low-impact activity also promotes joint mobility and flexibility, critical elements in maintaining a vibrant and active lifestyle.

Beyond its physical benefits, chair dancing can significantly improve mental well-being. The invigorating music and engaging movements stimulate cognitive activity, encouraging memory recall and enhancing focus. By naturally lifting your mood and reducing stress, chair dancing helps foster a happier, more positive mindset.

Chair dancing also has social benefits. Participating in a group setting can create a sense of community and connection. Joining a chair dancing class offers a fun, social way to stay active, contributing to an overall sense of well-being and joy as part of a vibrant lifestyle.

Getting Started with Chair Dancing

Starting your chair dancing routine requires some planning and gradual progression. Ensure you have a sturdy chair and enough space to move your arms and legs freely. Wearing comfortable clothing that facilitates easy movement is also essential. You can customize chair dancing to match your fitness level. If you’re new to the practice, start with slower, gentler routines and progressively build up to faster, more robust dances.

Community centers or gyms often offer chair dancing classes. If you prefer the comfort of your home, there are numerous online resources, including tutorials on YouTube and other platforms, catering to various skill levels. Most importantly, chair dancing should be fun and enjoyable. Use this time to express yourself, embrace the rhythm of the music, and immerse yourself in the joy of movement.

Chair dancing offers a host of physical, mental, and social benefits for older adults, contributing to a vibrant, fulfilling life. With such a fun and accessible form of exercise, it’s an excellent time to get moving and embrace an active lifestyle. At Sage Collective, we’re committed to nurturing a balanced, vibrant lifestyle that combines physical activity, mindfulness, and joy. With chair dancing, older adults can integrate all these elements, enhancing their well-being, and fostering a positive, active lifestyle.

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02.23.23 | Arts & Culture

Habit Making: Finding Fun

Not all things are ‘fun and games’…Or are they? Well, it depends on who you ask. One person might enjoy mountain biking down steep slopes, while another might find falling to their impending doom — i.e. bungee cord jumping — fun because of the risk involved. That isn’t to say that all fun warrants some kind of risk, because that would be further from the truth. So when we strip away the performative act involved with the idiom of ‘having fun,’ how do we instead — find it?

True fun begins with having your basic needs met. It then becomes a choice when we give ourselves permission to stop judging ourselves — giving us the ability to walk away with energy that will buoy us up long after the music has stopped, the book is finished, and the movie credits have started to roll. Finding fun doesn’t have to mean searching for it on a vacation, or within things and other people. It can be summed up as the embodiment of three things: playfulness, connection, and flow.


Playfulness isn’t about the act of playing as much as it is about the act of embracing freedom and lightheartedness. It means letting go of the idea that the moment has to be right or that you have to achieve something for you to play and find fun. 


Finding fun involves having a connection with the activity you’re doing. Perhaps it’s a physical activity that involves other people such as swimming, basketball, or tennis. It could even be a mental activity such as reading, or writing that you do by yourself. If the connection is clear, so is your journey to establishing what fun means to you.


Flow is the last piece to finding fun, it’s the feeling you have when you’re totally immersed in your activity. Sometimes you may even lose track of time doing it. All things are fun and games depending on the framing of an individual’s own fun. In order to establish a life purpose, and to engage more with yourself and live a fulfilling life you must be willing to embrace freedom, make your connections clear, and allow yourself to flow effortlessly from one fun activity to another!

Old Couple
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10.20.22 | Community

Transform Your Kitchen into a Vibrant Gathering Space

Kitchens are made for more than just cooking, which is one of the many reasons why the room can draw in family, friends and everyone in between. Although often referred to as the heart of the home today, not every modern kitchen is set up for family gatherings or entertaining. Luckily, there are countless ways you can transform your kitchen into a warm and welcoming gathering place fit for anyone!

Open the Space

One of the best ways you can make your kitchen space more functional is by opening it up. This is one of the easiest methods you can take to bring new life to your kitchen. By rearranging the room in a more open layout, the space immediately becomes more accessible for any size crowd you bring into your home. And, if your kitchen space is inherently small, don’t be afraid to expand the gathering space into nearby rooms like your dining area.

Fill the Room with Memorabilia

Nothing makes a home space more inviting than personalizing it with family photos and other memorabilia items that hold a special place in your household. And, since the kitchen is the heart of the home, there’s no better room to use as a display! Not only does it help with creating positive energy in the room, but they also work as conversation starters. Whether you create a dedicated wall to hang your favorite framed pictures or keep a favorite photo album on a side table, everyone is sure to appreciate the memories. 

Make it Kid-Friendly

Often kids don’t spend as much time interacting in the kitchen as adults do because of sharp knives or hot stoves. However, the kitchen can’t be the heart of the home unless everyone is welcome, which is why it’s imperative to make the room as kid-friendly as possible. Begin by removing sharp tools from sight and storing them in secure drawers or cabinets. Other ways you can transform the space is by investing in a stepping stool or other kid-size tools and furnishings for the room. 

With only a few changes, your kitchen can transform into the vibrant gathering space it’s meant to be, and soon it’ll become the most beloved area in the house. 

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04.07.22 | Arts & Culture

The Importance of Knowing Your Family History

For many, digging into family histories may sound like a wholly worthwhile experience, while others may find it too time-consuming and extensive of a process – a common misconception. However, it’s more important than ever for all of us to learn, record and preserve the rich history connected to each of our lineages for our well-being and the well-being of future generations.

Our family histories are more than just birthdates and family tree charts; they’re full of rich information that helps each of us gain a stronger understanding of who we are. The information tied to family history has the ability to empower identities and build self-worth, especially for those who might not currently have access to information tied to their family’s past. 

As we collaborate with family, community members and other resources that may help us discover our family history, we not only build connections with people in the present but also from the past and into the future. 

Along with empowering identities, family history knowledge can have dramatic effects on your health and others in your family. Have you ever had a blank mind when the doctor asks if certain health conditions run in your family? Taking the time to reach out to family, and learn more about their medical history, is the best way to avoid this and discover what you might be at risk for. Knowing this history can help you make informed choices concerning your health to live a more vibrant life

There are countless resources online and in-person that you should take advantage of when starting your genealogical journey. The first resources everyone should look to are the ones you might already have, like family trees, scrapbooks and other family history basics. If you don’t have any yourself, connect with distant relatives to gather materials that you believe would be helpful to you. 

Websites like FamilySearch.org are perfect for those of us who want to dive even deeper into their identity and background, and it’s free to use. Another way to stay involved online is by joining the family history conversation online. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and blogs are perfect for making connections and expanding your resources through a network of family historians. 

Whether you already have a great deal of knowledge related to your family history or you’re new to the ancestry trend, having access to genealogy can change your life. Try taking an hour out of the day to poke around and see what you can discover for yourself.

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03.09.21 | Community

Vibrant Living Breakdown: Engagement in Family Life

Nine Ways of Vibrant Living is Sage Collective’s innovative model that champions more meaningful, engaged lives for older adults, and that serves as the backbone of our philosophy. We celebrate and uplift components of vibrant living that span from health and wellness, to arts and culture, to spiritual enrichment — but tying it all together is an underlying feeling of connectedness, care and love. That’s why our eighth component is engagement in family life.

We believe in the deeply transformative power of being part of a community. At Sage Collective, we are committed to providing a genuine sense of community for everyone involved with us, from program participants to building residents to our partners and beyond. Family doesn’t just refer to the bloodlines you’re born into; it also incorporates the loving connections you make throughout a lifetime and the people that you choose to surround yourself with. 

When it comes to our plan for programming and housing, we want to take an active role in developing meaningful friendships and embracing existing family ties. To do so, we intend to provide opportunities such by creating camaraderie-generating participant activities, offering family support activities and policies for our residents as well as the incorporating intergenerational teaching, learning and cultural activities.

The latter piece of this, intergenerational teaching, is particularly important to us when we think about engagement in family and community life. Older adults have a wealth of wisdom and experience to pass onto younger generations — but in the other direction, so too do the youth have much to teach their elders. We believe that honoring and encouraging relationships across generations is the key to creating more unified, meaningful lives for all.

From interpersonal family dynamics, to a more expansive view of community, we’re excited to begin fostering these relationships with and for our participants.

A young African American woman embraces an older African American woman who wears a silk headscarf
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