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12.28.23 | Community

2023: A Year in Review

As we bid farewell to another remarkable year, we at Sage Collective are thrilled to share the highlights of 2023, a year marked by innovation, growth, and deeper connections within our community.

Continued Success of the Vibrant Learning Program

Our journey with the Vibrant Learning Program, in collaboration with Chicago Commons, has flourished throughout 2023. This year, we’ve deepened our relationship with the community, witnessing firsthand the transformative power of learning and engagement. From exploring the intricacies of new technologies to delving into diverse cultures, our program participants have embarked on an enriching journey.

Themes of tradition, storytelling, family connection, and freedom have remained at the heart of our curriculum. Our activities, including armchair travel and digital painting, have not only been educational but also immensely enjoyable, fostering a sense of joy and wonder among all participants.

Expanding Our Horizons

2023 was a milestone year for Sage Collective as we embraced innovative ways to connect with our audience. One of our most exciting initiatives was the integration of Facebook Live into our communication strategy. This platform allowed us to reach new digital audiences and strengthen ties with our existing community.

Our Facebook Live sessions, focusing on updates about Sage Collective’s activities, healthy eating discussions, and more, garnered significant engagement. The enthusiastic response from our audience has been truly inspiring, and we eagerly anticipate continuing these interactive sessions in the coming year.

Looking Ahead: The Vibrant Living Podcast

In our constant effort to innovate and inspire, we are excited to announce the upcoming launch of our ‘Vibrant Living Podcast’ in the new year. Building on the themes explored in our Sage Advice blog, this podcast will dive deeper into the power of storytelling. We believe that stories have the ability to connect, heal, and empower, and our podcast will be a testament to this belief. Stay tuned for this exciting new venture!

As we reflect on the year gone by, we feel immense gratitude for the continued support and enthusiasm of our community. The journey of Sage Collective is one of continuous learning and growth, and we can’t wait to see what the new year brings. Here’s to a vibrant and fulfilling 2024!

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11.02.23 | Community

November is National Family Caregivers Month

November is often associated with Thanksgiving, a time to express gratitude and come together as families. But the month also holds a special significance for family caregivers. Welcome to National Family Caregivers Month – a period dedicated to acknowledging the silent heroes among us who dedicate their lives to caring for loved ones.

What started as National Family Caregivers Week in the mid-1990s has since evolved, thanks to President Barack Obama’s proclamation in 2012, into a month-long tribute. This expansion wasn’t just a mere extension of time but rather a recognition of the year-round efforts these caregivers undertake. 

While showing appreciation is a crucial aspect of this month, its scope goes beyond acknowledgment. The aim is to rally support for caregivers, raise awareness about the challenges they face, and provide them with vital resources. The Caregivers Action Network (CAN), for instance, introduces a theme each year. This year’s theme is #CaregiversConnect, which spotlights the importance of connections as a way to educate and support others. 

By shining a light on the hardships and trials caregivers endure, we pave the way for better policies, resources, and societal understanding. Whether it’s lobbying for better workplace support, highlighting the emotional strain, or emphasizing the financial toll of caregiving, the advocacy element of this month is pivotal.

As individuals, there’s much we can do. From offering to babysit, assisting with chores, or merely lending an empathetic ear, every bit helps. Community groups and local initiatives can also play a role, perhaps by setting up support forums or offering respite care services. The strength of a community lies in its unity, and together, we can ensure our caregivers feel seen, supported, and valued.

As you move through November, take a moment to think about the caregivers in your life. They might be neighbors, friends, or even family members. While their sacrifices often go unnoticed, this month serves as a reminder of the immeasurable value they bring to our communities and lives. 

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09.28.23 | Arts & Culture

Who Said Playtime Is Only For Kids?

From building sandcastles to playing hopscotch, every day was an adventure as kids. But as we grew up, responsibilities piled up, and the word ‘play’ somehow took a backseat. However, diving into recent research, we’re led to a revelation: Maybe it’s high time we adults introduce play back into our daily lives for better mental health and happiness.

The Transformative Power of Play

The act of playing, it turns out, isn’t just child’s play. It’s a profound tool that can transform our well-being. Engaging in playful activities has the potential to boost creativity, alleviate stress, and elevate our mood. It’s a reminder that joyspotting doesn’t have an age limit.

Engaging in play can also aid in cognitive functions. Just as children use play to understand the world, adults can use it to sharpen their minds, enhance problem-solving skills, and even foster better relationships with others. When we laugh, play, and engage in light-hearted competition, we break barriers, build trust, and foster camaraderie.

Reclaiming Your Playful Spirit with Vibrant Living

Our Vibrant Living program at Sage Collective recognizes the essence of holistic well-being. It’s not just about maintaining our physical health; it’s about nurturing our emotional and mental well-being. Embracing play and playful activities is aligned with this ethos, promoting not just life, but a life lived to its fullest.

So, how do you reintroduce play into your life? You don’t need a playground or toys. Playing for adults could mean trying out a new hobby, dancing whenever and wherever, joining a recreational sports league, or simply engaging in light-hearted banter with friends.

In the whirlwind of responsibilities and deadlines, it’s easy to dismiss play as frivolous. But as research suggests, it might be one of the simplest yet profound ways to infuse joy into our lives. Rediscover the magic of play. In doing so, you won’t just be rejoicing in the moment, but rejuvenating your soul. After all, why should kids have all the fun?

Who Said Playtime Is Only For Kids?
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04.06.23 | Community

Adapting To Your Living Space As You Age

Aging gracefully is about more than just accepting our changing appearance and the natural passage of time; it’s also about curating a living space that radiates warmth, comfort, and safety. At Sage, we believe that age-friendly home renovations are the key to creating an environment that evolves seamlessly with our residents’ needs, promoting their well-being and independence. Today, we’ll explore the transformative power of various age-friendly home renovations that can invigorate the lives of older adults.

As we age, our mobility may change, but that shouldn’t stop us from living life to the fullest. Creating a living space that is easily navigable ensures that our homes accommodate these changes, allowing us to maintain our independence and enjoy daily routines without feeling restricted. By widening doorways, installing ramps or stairlifts, and adding handrails to stairs, we can enhance accessibility and provide a sense of security and freedom.

For older adults, the bathroom can be a treacherous territory. Slippery surfaces and limited space can lead to falls and injuries. However, by installing grab bars, walk-in showers or tubs, and elevated toilet seats, we can significantly improve safety and ease of use, turning the bathroom into a tranquil haven of comfort and security.

The kitchen on the other hand is often the heart of the home, a place where we spend considerable time preparing meals and bonding with family and friends. As we age, adapting the kitchen to our needs becomes vital. Allowing us to continue savoring our culinary passions without the added strain. Installing adjustable countertops, pull-out shelves, easy-to-grip handles, and touchless features can transform your kitchen into an inviting and functional space.

Age-Proofing Your Kitchen Space

Living Spaces

Speaking of inviting spaces, our bedroom and living areas are where we relax, unwind, and recharge. Ensuring these spaces are designed for comfort and functionality is crucial for maintaining a high quality of life as we age. Selecting furniture that’s easy to get in and out of, keeping the environment clutter-free, and providing adequate space for maneuvering can make daily living more enjoyable and comfortable. Good lighting is also essential for creating inviting and safer spaces, as it helps prevent falls and makes daily tasks easier. Ensuring that all walkways, staircases, and rooms are well-lit can provide a sense of safety and well-being. Installing brighter lights, motion-activated lighting, and nightlights in key areas can make a significant difference in overall visibility and ambiance.

Next is outdoor space, creating welcoming and accessible outdoor spaces can greatly enhance an older adult’s quality of life. Spending time outdoors, whether gardening or simply enjoying a cup of tea on the patio, can provide both physical and mental health benefits. By maintaining walkways, installing slip-resistant surfaces, and creating easy-to-reach gardening beds, we can foster a connection to nature and encourage more outdoor activities.

In the end, age-friendly home renovations can significantly enhance an older adult’s quality of life. By making thoughtful adjustments to our living spaces, we create a comfortable and safe environment that supports our evolving needs. With the right planning, professional guidance, and useful resources, we can transform our homes into havens that allow us to thrive and enjoy our golden years. So, take the first step and start planning your age-friendly home renovations today!


Living Space
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03.16.23 | Community

The Benefits of Music When Aging

Typically those who seek to firm up their body, and become stronger typically head to the gym. If you want to exercise your mind, listen to music. There are few things that stimulate the brain like music does and this is why it’s so great throughout the aging process. Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, pain, blood pressure, as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory. So how is all of this possible? Simply put, vibrations.

A Brain Rattling Connection

Experts are still trying to understand how exactly our brains turn sound into music. Their current consensus — a stereo system puts out vibrations that travel through the air and reach the ear canal. Those vibrations tickle the eardrum and are transmitted into an electrical signal that travels through the auditory nerve to the brain stem. Assembled. Then transformed into what we know as — music.

Music is actually very mathematically structured, some may even say architectural in how a song is constructed, it’s built from the relationship between one note to the next and although you aren’t aware of it, it takes a lot of brain work to process it.

Musical Benefits

Interesting research aside, listening to your favorite song provides some very intriguing brain benefits you should be aware of and that will keep you feeling youthful. 

Music can form part of the treatment for conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. It has also been scientifically proven to lower cortisol, the stress hormone. And increase dopamine, the reward hormone, which can help to elevate your mood. The part of the brain called the amygdala is responsible for processing the sounds we hear, along with our mood and emotions.

Listen to what your grandchildren are listening to, experts suggest. We know it can be intimidating when we tend to stick to our usual music library built in our 20s. But new music challenges the brain in a way that old music doesn’t. It might not feel pleasurable at first, but that unfamiliarity forces the brain to understand the new sound, creating neuron connections in the brain that are both new and revitalized!

Lastly, pay attention to how your body reacts to different forms of music. What helps one person concentrate might be distracting to someone else. And what helps one person unwind might make another person jumpy. Music is ultimately meant to be enjoyed alone or with others, to make us feel every emotion there is, and to help live a more youthful vibrant life!

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03.02.23 | Community

The Healing Properties and Benefits of Crocheting

Let’s be real, arts and crafts are more than just a fun pastime. They are truly healing and restorative acts and in many cases, therapeutic. In fact, the health benefits from crocheting (and knitting) are numerous! These health benefits range from simply calming you down and easing your stress — to potentially relieving depression and reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Crocheting doesn’t just help you if you’re the one who’s sick. It helps those around you, your friends and family that help you, love you, and support you. 

Helps With Insomnia

Believe it or not, crocheting helps with insomnia. By focusing on something that’s soothing, you can calm your mind and body enough to help you fall asleep. So the next time you’re tossing and turning in the middle of the night, don’t get frustrated, just pick up your sticks and get to work!

Stress Relief

It should come as no surprise that picking up your crochet hooks and some yarn are a step towards relaxation. By focusing on something other than our thoughts, the repetitive motions you make along with the individual stitches you create leaves you feeling stress free and fulfilled. Especially knowing that you’ve created something special for a family member, significant other, or friend.

Helping Ease Depression

According to this article by Healthline, it’s been scientifically proven that doing the things we enjoy releases dopamine, a chemical responsible for “feel good” or “happy” emotions. This in-turn functions much like an antidepressant. Crafts like crocheting can stimulate that dopamine release to allow us to feel happier and better about ourselves.

Taking Control of Your Life

Lastly, the act of crocheting helps you take control of your life. Whether you feel helpless as a caregiver watching someone struggle or you’re the one struggling with your own illness or problems. Crocheting is a way to put the control back into your own hands – literally. By choosing to craft, you are in full control of everything. From the type of project you’ll be making, the color and type of yarn, all the way down to the type of crochet hooks you work with. And that’s what makes the difference in feeling like you have a say again. 


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09.29.22 | Arts & Culture

Travel the World From The Comfort of Your Home

Traveling is one of the best ways to experience new cultures and hear from other walks of life. However, because of the global pandemic, many of us haven’t had the opportunity to continue checking off bucket list locations in a few years. And although there’s nothing like stepping into a new place, new travel-like opportunities are beginning to emerge, including armchair travel.

What is Armchair Travel?

Have you ever wanted to visit a different country from the comfort of your home? Well, now you can! Armchair travel provides a sensory experience to those looking to learn about a location without going through the hassle of actually traveling. The virtual activity invokes everything from local sights and smells to mindsets and cultural conventions. 

We’ve had the pleasure of embracing the value behind armchair traveling in our Vibrant Learning Program at Chicago Commons. With the help of DeShunn Bray, our Manager of Programming and Community Engagement, participants in our Vibrant Learning Program have had the opportunity to experience everything from an African safari to a trip to Germany and Columbia. 

Participants of our Vibrant Learning Program at Chicago Commons participating in armchair travel

How to Participate 

Becoming an armchair traveler is easier than it sounds, thanks to the do-it-yourself element of the activity. Start by considering if you’d rather travel alone or gather a group of family or friends to accompany you on your journey; traveling with a group tends to spark more engaging conversations and perspectives after the activity. 

Once you’ve decided who you’re traveling with, make a list of general themes and ideas for your travels. These can include everything, from national parks and landmarks to the location of famous events or your favorite movie. Once you’ve created your list, search for resources to assist you in your travels. If you’re tech-savvy, head to YouTube or take a stroll to your local library to find even more free films and videos. Once you’ve found a video accompaniment, pair your trip with a craft activity and serve a local delicacy to complete the experience! 

So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your armchair trip now!

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07.28.22 | Community

How to Combat Senioritis As An Adult

It’s not just teenagers who can feel senioritis adults can too. We’ve all experienced it at some point; laziness, disinterest, having no motivation, not caring about the outcomes of our life. But just because these symptoms of checking out are universally experienced doesn’t make them okay to ignore. Today, we’re investigating adult senioritis, how checking out can affect your wellbeing and tools you can use to combat it:

What Senioritis Looks Like As An Adult

You might know senioritis as the affliction many seniors in high school experience as they enter their final year when their motivation declines and their drive to succeed diminishes. Though this phenomenon isn’t just found in young adults, anyone can experience senioritis. 

Typically, senioritis begins when there is a sign of a major transformation occurring in life, like graduating high school or even starting a new job. It begins with a fear of the future and feeling like you may not have control over a situation. As we age, many of the small tasks we enjoy earlier in life become tiresome and lose value to us, which can lead to checking out. 

However, it’s important to remember that checking out looks different to every person. The key is to recognize the signs and signals once you see them and begin taking action to snap out of the senioritis. 

How You Can Combat It

After acknowledging that you may be checking out, don’t start by setting unattainable goals for yourself – start small. Give yourself a to-do list of a handful of goals to reach every day, whether that’s going to the grocery store to run errands or making sure you respond to all of your emails. 

Once you’ve given yourself a list of small goals to aim for, the next step is to pair an incentive to it! Use motivations that connect back to why you might be checking out in the first place; if you’re starting a job, go shopping for new work clothes. Whatever your incentive is, use that to help drive you to complete your goals. 

As you tackle senioritis and become an active participant in your life again, remember to take it one step at a time. It might not always feel like you’ll be able to step out of it, but you will. 

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06.16.22 | Community

Simple Ways You Can Expel Stress This Summer

As one of the pillars for our model of 9 Ways of Vibrant Living at Sage Collective, we believe stress reduction is crucial to living a vibrant life. And while stress is a normal component of life, our focus isn’t to eliminate it but rather to learn how to manage, control and minimize it. Today, we’re spotlighting four tools everyone can utilize this summer and throughout the year to reduce stress:

Get Outside

Spending time outdoors is one of the easiest ways to relieve stress throughout the summer. While sunshine is accessible year-round, summertime is when you can benefit the most from the vitamin D it supplies! Vitamin gain leads to stronger and healthier bones and boosts immune systems. Research has even found that exposing yourself to fresh air and natural light for as little as 15 minutes a day helps to decrease emotional distress. 

Spend Time With Friends and Family

Time outdoors isn’t the only thing you should be adding to your daily routine in the summer. Another way to assure less stress and anxiety is by spending more time with your friends and family. As the proverb goes, “it takes a village.” Community and safe spaces are extremely significant to our wellbeing, especially when going through a stressful time. So, setting aside time to spend with family and friends is a sure way to help you stay stress-free! 

Reflect on Your Day

Whether it’s prayer, meditation, or simply practicing gratitude, taking time to reflect on your day is another way you can expel stress. As little as ten minutes of any of those activities can leave a profound impact on how you view your days, even when you may be facing stress. Along with reflecting on your own, taking opportunities to practice acts of service is another powerful way to relieve stress while engaging with your community and building relationships!

Take a Nap

Naps aren’t reserved for just little kids and are much better for our health than many people realize. Along with being a great way to break up your day and provide a much-needed break, naps have been found to lower the risk of heart disease, increase the body’s energy and lower stress! Naps don’t have to be long either; studies show that the most beneficial nap length for our bodies is only 10 to 15 minutes.

Living with stress isn’t enjoyable for anyone, but once we utilize the correct techniques and tools, controlling and minimizing stress is much easier than it sounds.

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06.03.22 | News

Introducing Our Newest Board Member: Camille Love

With a passion for the empowerment and health of her community, Camille Love always knew that she would thrive in the healthcare field. And today, with more than 16 years of experience under her belt, she continues to search for opportunities where she can lend her expertise in community healthcare. The transition of long-time member Angela Higginbotham from our Board recently created such an opportunity for Camille Love and added to the related expertise of Sage Collective as it pursues ways of encouraging the adoption of healthier lifestyle choices among older adults in underserved communities. We couldn’t be more thrilled to announce Camille Love as the newest addition to the Sage Collective Board of Directors. Get to know Camille in her introduction below: 

Can you talk a bit about your professional background and how it has added to your expertise in your field?

I originally started my nursing career when I was very young, around 16, when I decided to become a certified nursing assistant. I’ve never been in any other field besides nursing. From starting as a CNA, to becoming a registered nurse and now a nurse practitioner, I recognize that I have been completely focused for nearly two decades in work that is meaningful and fulfilling every day.

I transitioned into being a nurse practitioner when I felt that I wanted to broaden my scope of work. And now, I’m at a point in my career where I’m ready to take on leadership roles where I can empower and mentor other nurses and healthcare providers.  

What should those outside of the healthcare ecosystem know about the community caregiving experience?

Overall, I feel that there are two factors that everyone should keep in mind. On one side, I see the need for more compassion, which I say because we often see people now who have compassion fatigue. In general, we all need to show more sympathy and compassion to one another because you never know what others are going through at that moment. They might be a very fatigued healthcare provider, or if they aren’t a healthcare provider, they may be completely isolated. 

The second point is to practice safe behaviors. It’s easy to brush little things off of your shoulder when they might not affect you, but try to keep in mind that your actions could, in turn, affect someone else. If you’re possibly exposed to something like COVID-19, be considerate and make the smart decision to stay home and wear a mask so you don’t accidentally expose anyone else. 

Sage Collective believes that a sense of ‘care for the collective’ is essential for not only individual health but the health of a community. How does this belief translate through your own work and past experiences?

My experience has taught me that the health literacy of those outside of healthcare is very low, and I feel  that if we did a better job of communicating within our communities, that simple act of just talking to one another lessens the burden of providers and relieves some anxiety for community members. For example, parents need to understand that if their child has a temperature and a runny nose, it’s not something out of the ordinary and often doesn’t require attention from us in the hospital. 

If someone in that parent’s family had told them that this level of illness is normal, that would help create literacy in the community. So, in turn, they wouldn’t be burdening the providers to address a set of symptoms, which, in their eyes, is a simple matter. 

I also deal with older adults who have chronic illnesses like diabetes. In the African American community, we traditionally go heavy on salt, which leads to high blood pressure and other conditions. In the Latinx community, we have patients whose diets rely on tortillas, beans and other high-carb foods. Communication within these communities is essential when talking about wellness, since it completely changes the game when it comes to the knowledge and decisions people make about their diet. So, if you have a simple conversation amongst family, friends or community members, you could change a whole community’s health based on word of mouth and education. So, the healthcare-focused component of my work completely aligns with the community component that Sage provides.

What other unique values held by Sage Collective have drawn you to join the Board?

I’m currently working for an organization that is a federally-qualified health center, so our objective is to provide excellent quality healthcare to underserved communities. This has always been my mission in healthcare since that population is, well, underserved in nearly every aspect of life. So, working with Sage Collective, I can help populations that are both underserved and overlooked. 

Within the Sage ecosystem, you have people of color, and you have the elderly, and then you have people who face financial hardships, so these circumstances are not affording them luxuries that other persons would normally get. My fuel is to always target and give the best to underserved communities, so I was immediately drawn to Sage Collective because of our parallels. 

What is the significance of having intergenerational relationships in the healthcare world? Specifically in community health?

Intergenerational relationships are integral to the success of communities. They offer the opportunity to bring together the tried-and-true conventions that exist within the healthcare field with the energy, innovations and new perspectives of younger generations. 

What are you most looking forward to as a new member of Sage Collective’s board? 

I’m very excited to be working with the other leaders on the Sage Collective Board, and to have the opportunity to learn from them, pick their brains, and of course, contribute to the organization itself. I’m also eager to serve and have the opportunity to continue the work that has inspired me for so long, but in a different capacity, through housing and programming.

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