Bronzeville’s Renaissance
Bronzeville’s dynamic history is ever-shifting as time progresses. Originating in the early 20th century, the neighborhood became an epicenter for Black culture, a topic you can read more about here. Today, Bronzeville is experiencing a renaissance, and Sage Collective is proud to be a part of it. The community is growing in numbers that haven’t been seen for decades and it’s welcoming businesses that add a breath of fresh air to the neighborhood’s enduring culture.
Data provided by the 2020 Census show that while the larger city of Chicago continues to grow at slow rates, neighborhoods in and around Bronzeville are embracing populations at much faster rates. Between 2010 and 2020, Bronzeville and its surrounding communities increased their populations by nearly 15%. And while Black populations in Chicago decreased by nearly 10% over the decade, there is a resurgence of Black middle class communities contributing to the population boom in neighborhoods like Bronzeville.
It’s not hard to understand why both individuals and families are choosing to make Bronzeville their next home. The epicenter of culture and arts not only continues to celebrate its historic roots through revitalization projects like the transformation of the old Marshall Fields Building, but it also welcomes new businesses, developments and organizations with open arms. Sage Collective, as an organization with deep roots in Bronzeville, is excited about this trend, even as upscale, luxury housing moves steadily into the neighborhood, our goal remains the same — providing vibrant, high-quality living through affordable housing for older adults.
Unprecedented developments like Hatch 41, a new coworking space, and future projects like Bronzeville Lakefront act as catalysts for the neighborhood’s expansion. And with each new development, the intersecting goals of exploration, enrichment and celebration are present.
As we shepherd new families, entrepreneurs, artists and changemakers back to Bronzeville, our values remain clear; we are a neighborhood where relationships are nurtured, community thrives and culture prevails. The renaissance of Bronzeville is upon us, and Sage Collective is proud to be a leader in it, inspiring neighbors and residents alike to participate in our movement.