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01.04.24 | Community & Lifestyle

The Importance of Setting Resolutions in the New Year

Now that 2024 is upon us, it brings an opportunity for reflection and renewal. At Sage Collective, we understand the importance of this time as an opportunity to set resolutions – not just as a tradition, but as a meaningful practice in our journey towards vibrant living.

The Power of Resolutions
Resolutions are more than just yearly promises we make to ourselves; they are declarations of intent and pathways to personal growth. They provide us with a chance to pause, assess our lives, and decide what changes we wish to make. For us in the older adult community, this is particularly powerful, as it aligns with our ongoing pursuit of vibrant living at every stage of life.

Setting Achievable Goals
The key to successful resolutions lies in their realism and attainability. It’s about setting goals that are challenging yet achievable, and that contribute to our overall well-being. Whether it’s adopting a new fitness regimen, learning a new skill, or dedicating more time to a beloved hobby, each resolution should be a stepping stone towards a fuller, richer life experience.

The Importance of Health and Wellness
Many resolutions revolve around health and wellness, and for good reason. As we age, taking care of our physical and mental health becomes increasingly important. Resolutions can serve as commitments to ourselves to nurture our bodies and minds, whether through healthier eating, regular exercise, or mindfulness practices.

Staying Connected and Engaged
Resolutions can also foster social engagement and community involvement – key components of vibrant living. This might mean resolving to spend more time with family and friends, participating in community events, or engaging in volunteer work.

Lifelong Learning and Growth
The new year is also a perfect time to commit to lifelong learning. This could be through reading more, enrolling in a class, or even traveling to new places. Each of these resolutions enriches our lives, keeps our minds active, and supports our overall sense of joy and fulfillment.

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, let’s embrace the tradition of setting resolutions with optimism and enthusiasm. Let these resolutions be reflections of our aspirations and values, guiding us towards a year filled with health, happiness, and vibrant living.

Remember, the journey is as important as the destination. Let’s approach our resolutions with flexibility and kindness towards ourselves, understanding that each step forward, no matter how small, is a victory in its own right.

View of the sky looking up through a stand of trees
Credit: Ken Lane (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License)
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12.28.23 | Community & Lifestyle

2023: A Year in Review

As we bid farewell to another remarkable year, we at Sage Collective are thrilled to share the highlights of 2023, a year marked by innovation, growth, and deeper connections within our community.

Continued Success of the Vibrant Learning Program

Our journey with the Vibrant Learning Program, in collaboration with Chicago Commons, has flourished throughout 2023. This year, we’ve deepened our relationship with the community, witnessing firsthand the transformative power of learning and engagement. From exploring the intricacies of new technologies to delving into diverse cultures, our program participants have embarked on an enriching journey.

Themes of tradition, storytelling, family connection, and freedom have remained at the heart of our curriculum. Our activities, including armchair travel and digital painting, have not only been educational but also immensely enjoyable, fostering a sense of joy and wonder among all participants.

Expanding Our Horizons

2023 was a milestone year for Sage Collective as we embraced innovative ways to connect with our audience. One of our most exciting initiatives was the integration of Facebook Live into our communication strategy. This platform allowed us to reach new digital audiences and strengthen ties with our existing community.

Our Facebook Live sessions, focusing on updates about Sage Collective’s activities, healthy eating discussions, and more, garnered significant engagement. The enthusiastic response from our audience has been truly inspiring, and we eagerly anticipate continuing these interactive sessions in the coming year.

Looking Ahead: The Vibrant Living Podcast

In our constant effort to innovate and inspire, we are excited to announce the upcoming launch of our ‘Vibrant Living Podcast’ in the new year. Building on the themes explored in our Sage Advice blog, this podcast will dive deeper into the power of storytelling. We believe that stories have the ability to connect, heal, and empower, and our podcast will be a testament to this belief. Stay tuned for this exciting new venture!

As we reflect on the year gone by, we feel immense gratitude for the continued support and enthusiasm of our community. The journey of Sage Collective is one of continuous learning and growth, and we can’t wait to see what the new year brings. Here’s to a vibrant and fulfilling 2024!

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12.07.23 | Community & Lifestyle

Embracing Our Rights, Living Vibrantly: Honoring Human Rights Day

At Sage Collective, we recognize that vibrant living is deeply intertwined with the respect and recognition of human rights. As we commemorate the 75th anniversary of Human Rights Day on December 10th, it’s a poignant moment to reflect on how these fundamental rights underpin our collective journey toward a more just, equitable, and vibrant society.

Reflecting on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

Seventy-five years ago, the world came together to adopt the UDHR, a groundbreaking document that set out the inalienable rights and freedoms belonging to every person. This historic declaration forms the bedrock of what we at Sage Collective consider essential for vibrant living: the right to live with dignity, in equality, and in a community that respects and values each individual.

While not legally binding, the UDHR’s influence is unmistakable. It has been a guiding light in shaping a world where the rights to health, education, and freedom from discrimination are increasingly recognized as essential to living life in its fullest, most vibrant form.

The Continued Relevance of Human Rights Day

Today, Human Rights Day is more than a historical commemoration. It’s a call to action. It’s a reminder that our pursuit of vibrant living for all ages, especially for us in the older adult community, is ongoing. In advocating for senior rights, from combating ageism to ensuring access to healthcare, we are upholding the very essence of the UDHR.

This day also reminds us that vibrant living is nurtured in a society where the rights of all are protected and respected. It encourages us to stay informed, to engage in meaningful dialogue, and to support initiatives that promote equity and justice.

Living Vibrantly by Upholding Human Rights

At Sage Collective, we believe in the power of community and connection in fostering vibrant living. Observing Human Rights Day aligns with our commitment to nurturing an environment where everyone, regardless of age, can thrive. It’s about building a community that not only respects human rights but also celebrates the rich diversity and potential of each individual.

As we mark Human Rights Day, let’s renew our commitment to these principles. Let’s continue to educate ourselves, engage in our communities, and advocate for a world where every person can live vibrantly and with dignity. This is how we honor the legacy of the UDHR – by living it every day in our actions and interactions.

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11.02.23 | Community & Lifestyle

November is National Family Caregivers Month

November is often associated with Thanksgiving, a time to express gratitude and come together as families. But the month also holds a special significance for family caregivers. Welcome to National Family Caregivers Month – a period dedicated to acknowledging the silent heroes among us who dedicate their lives to caring for loved ones.

What started as National Family Caregivers Week in the mid-1990s has since evolved, thanks to President Barack Obama’s proclamation in 2012, into a month-long tribute. This expansion wasn’t just a mere extension of time but rather a recognition of the year-round efforts these caregivers undertake. 

While showing appreciation is a crucial aspect of this month, its scope goes beyond acknowledgment. The aim is to rally support for caregivers, raise awareness about the challenges they face, and provide them with vital resources. The Caregivers Action Network (CAN), for instance, introduces a theme each year. This year’s theme is #CaregiversConnect, which spotlights the importance of connections as a way to educate and support others. 

By shining a light on the hardships and trials caregivers endure, we pave the way for better policies, resources, and societal understanding. Whether it’s lobbying for better workplace support, highlighting the emotional strain, or emphasizing the financial toll of caregiving, the advocacy element of this month is pivotal.

As individuals, there’s much we can do. From offering to babysit, assisting with chores, or merely lending an empathetic ear, every bit helps. Community groups and local initiatives can also play a role, perhaps by setting up support forums or offering respite care services. The strength of a community lies in its unity, and together, we can ensure our caregivers feel seen, supported, and valued.

As you move through November, take a moment to think about the caregivers in your life. They might be neighbors, friends, or even family members. While their sacrifices often go unnoticed, this month serves as a reminder of the immeasurable value they bring to our communities and lives. 

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09.28.23 | Arts & Culture

Who Said Playtime Is Only For Kids?

From building sandcastles to playing hopscotch, every day was an adventure as kids. But as we grew up, responsibilities piled up, and the word ‘play’ somehow took a backseat. However, diving into recent research, we’re led to a revelation: Maybe it’s high time we adults introduce play back into our daily lives for better mental health and happiness.

The Transformative Power of Play

The act of playing, it turns out, isn’t just child’s play. It’s a profound tool that can transform our well-being. Engaging in playful activities has the potential to boost creativity, alleviate stress, and elevate our mood. It’s a reminder that joyspotting doesn’t have an age limit.

Engaging in play can also aid in cognitive functions. Just as children use play to understand the world, adults can use it to sharpen their minds, enhance problem-solving skills, and even foster better relationships with others. When we laugh, play, and engage in light-hearted competition, we break barriers, build trust, and foster camaraderie.

Reclaiming Your Playful Spirit with Vibrant Living

Our Vibrant Living program at Sage Collective recognizes the essence of holistic well-being. It’s not just about maintaining our physical health; it’s about nurturing our emotional and mental well-being. Embracing play and playful activities is aligned with this ethos, promoting not just life, but a life lived to its fullest.

So, how do you reintroduce play into your life? You don’t need a playground or toys. Playing for adults could mean trying out a new hobby, dancing whenever and wherever, joining a recreational sports league, or simply engaging in light-hearted banter with friends.

In the whirlwind of responsibilities and deadlines, it’s easy to dismiss play as frivolous. But as research suggests, it might be one of the simplest yet profound ways to infuse joy into our lives. Rediscover the magic of play. In doing so, you won’t just be rejoicing in the moment, but rejuvenating your soul. After all, why should kids have all the fun?

Who Said Playtime Is Only For Kids?
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09.14.23 | Community & Lifestyle

The Secrets of Longevity Diets

Much like how joyspotting brings small bursts of happiness into our lives, longevity diets offer a passport to a healthier future. They’re not the latest diet fad but a treasure trove from cultures celebrated for their centenarians. These diets aren’t about restriction, but celebrating foods that have nourished generations.

The Mediterranean region, with its lush olive groves and sparkling blue waters, gives us a diet rich in healthy fats, fresh produce, and fish. Then there are the Blue Zones, regions scattered across the globe, each boasting their unique recipe for longevity. Okinawa offers sweet potatoes, while Loma Linda champions plant-based delights. As varied as they are, each region offers a culinary experience that keeps its inhabitants thriving.

Peel back the layers of these diets, and you’ll find common heroes: vibrant vegetables, whole grains, and natural ingredients, bursting with antioxidants. These foods don’t just fill our stomachs; they fortify our cells, combat oxidative stress, and can even put chronic ailments at bay. It’s like finding those hidden joys in our surroundings; these foods are tiny marvels waiting to be celebrated.

Of course, food is just one slice of the pie. The longest-living people don’t just eat well; they move, cherish community, and embrace positivity. It’s a holistic dance of diet, activity, and mental well-being. Just like the vibrant energy a pet brings into a home, longevity diets infuse life with a zest that extends well beyond our plates.

As you savor your next meal, think of it as an invitation to a life rich in both years and experiences. Whether you’re trying out Mediterranean recipes or simply adding more whole foods, remember: every bite is a step towards a future bursting with health and vitality.

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08.24.23 | Community & Lifestyle

Forgiving Oneself and Others

Forgiveness is a cornerstone of one’s personal growth journey, and its importance can’t be overstated. At the very core, forgiving yourself starts as a choice, a conscious decision to release the weight of past regrets and to make peace with your actions and decisions, and with that choice comes the foundational elements of empathy, understanding, compassion, and kindness.

Empathy plays a crucial role in this journey. By putting oneself in another’s shoes, we not only gain perspective but also allow for healing to commence. It helps us to see beyond our narrow viewpoint and understand the broader picture. It reminds us that everyone, including ourselves, is fighting a battle that we may know nothing about.

Alongside empathy, understanding is pivotal. This means recognizing our mistakes, learning from them, and accepting that everyone has their journey filled with both ups and downs. Acceptance doesn’t mean we forget or condone mistakes, but rather that we recognize them as part of our growth.

When we look at our past with love and understanding, rather than judgment, we begin to heal. And once we show compassion towards others, even when it feels undeserved, we often find that we’re lightening our own burdens. It’s a mutual process of healing – for ourselves and for others.

Kindness is the thread that stitches together the fabric of forgiveness. It could be in small, daily acts or larger gestures. Whether it’s being gentle with oneself on a tough day or showing kindness to someone who might not have treated us well, these actions have a ripple effect. Kindness not only fosters an environment where forgiveness can thrive but also nurtures our own soul.

Despite understanding these foundational elements, we must remember that the act of forgiveness is fundamentally a choice. It’s a decision we make, transitioning from denial or resentment to a state of acceptance. This choice isn’t always easy; barriers often stand in our way. Yet, with determination, these barriers can be overcome.

Even after choosing forgiveness, the journey isn’t over. It’s essential to realize that forgiveness isn’t a one-time act or a destination but an ongoing process. Making peace with past mistakes, allowing ourselves the grace to move forward, and embracing the future with resilience are all parts of this continuous journey.

While the path of forgiving oneself and others can be strewn with challenges, it is a necessary step towards achieving inner peace and profound personal growth for your own Vibrant Living. So, as you move forward, reflect upon your journey, choose forgiveness, and embrace the healing that it brings!

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05.25.23 | Community & Lifestyle

Staying Agile: Flexibility and Balance Exercises to Help You Maintain Independence

As we navigate through life’s different stages, physical changes often accompany us. At times, these can impact our strength, agility, and sense of independence. However, at Sage Collective, we are firm believers in the body’s innate capacity to adapt. Today, we’re exploring how to stay agile with flexibility and balance exercises. 

Flexibility and balance are the pillars of maintaining independence as we age. They are crucial in our daily tasks, from simple movements like bending to tie our shoes, to complex actions like reaching for an item on a high shelf or navigating stairs. Regular flexibility and balance exercises can enhance muscle tone, improve coordination, reduce risk of falls, and promote independence. Let’s delve into some exercises that can help.

Gentle Yoga 

Yoga is an exceptional choice for promoting flexibility and balance. The slow and deliberate movements of yoga poses, such as the “tree pose” and “warrior pose”, can dramatically improve balance. For increased flexibility, try poses like “downward dog” and “cobra pose”. These poses work on various muscle groups, enhancing flexibility in the legs, spine, and shoulders. Starting with guided sessions by a trained instructor can ensure proper technique and safety. 

Stretching Exercises 

Regular stretching exercises are integral to maintaining and improving flexibility, and in turn, your range of movement. Basic stretches, such as the calf stretch, hamstring stretch, and gentle neck rotation, can be highly effective. Aim to hold each stretch for about 30 seconds, ensuring you feel a gentle pull, not pain. Over time, you’ll notice improved flexibility, which can make everyday tasks easier and more comfortable. 

Balance Training 

Simple balance exercises can significantly improve stability. Start with exercises like standing on one leg, shifting weight from one foot to the other, or walking heel-to-toe in a straight line. Initially, use the support of a chair or railing until you gain confidence and can perform these exercises without aid. Consistent practice can lead to noticeable improvements in your balance, coordination, and confidence in daily movements. 

Staying agile involves more than physical flexibility and balance; it requires mental adaptability too. Incorporating these exercises into your daily routine sets you up to tackle life’s challenges with grace and resilience. Growing older doesn’t mean surrendering your independence. It’s about thriving, adapting, and embracing life’s ever-changing landscape. By dedicating time to activities like these, you’re investing in your independence, enhancing your quality of life, and paving the way to healthier aging. Let’s stay agile together, every step of the way.

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05.04.23 | Arts & Culture

Five Engaging Hobbies You Can Pick up to Keep Your Mind Active

Growing older doesn’t have to mean slowing down! In fact, our golden years can be an excellent time to embrace new hobbies that challenge our minds and help us live life to the fullest. Engaging in activities that stimulate the mind can help you stay sharp, enhance cognitive function, and add a touch of zest to everyday life. Today, we’re diving into five engaging hobbies that anyone can explore to keep their minds active and their lives vibrant:

Family History Research

Unearthing your family’s past can be a thrilling and rewarding journey. As you dive into genealogy, you’ll develop research skills, learn about history, and discover fascinating stories about your family’s heritage. It’s a wonderful way to connect with distant relatives and preserve family history for future generations. Online resources like Ancestry.com and FamilySearch make it easy to get started, and don’t forget to check out local libraries and historical societies for additional support. 


Capture the beauty around you with photography! This creative hobby can be enjoyed both indoors and outdoors, giving you the freedom to express yourself artistically. With the increasing accessibility of digital tools and platforms, anyone can explore various photography styles – from stunning landscapes to captivating portraits. Share your work in online photography forums or join a local photography club to meet new friends and learn from fellow enthusiasts. 

Learning a New Language

Say ‘bonjour’ or ‘hola’ to a new language! Picking up a new language can be a delightful challenge, keeping your mind sharp and opening the door to new cultural experiences. Learning a new language not only improves memory and critical thinking skills but can also provide a sense of accomplishment. Online platforms like Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, and Babbel make it easy to get started, and you can also join local language classes or conversation groups for a more interactive experience. 

Experimental Cooking 

Spice up your life by venturing into the world of experimental cooking. This delicious hobby allows you to nurture your creativity while tantalizing your taste buds. Develop your culinary skills by exploring new recipes, ingredients, and cooking techniques. Travel the world through your kitchen by trying out international cuisines or challenge yourself with unique cooking methods. Who knows, you might just discover your next signature dish! 

Bonsai Artistry

Enter the tranquil world of bonsai, where the cultivation and maintenance of miniature trees transform into living art. This unique and captivating hobby requires attention to detail, an appreciation for the natural world, and a touch of mindfulness. As you nurture your bonsai creations, you’ll find a sense of relaxation and accomplishment. Resources like books, online tutorials, and local bonsai clubs can help you embark on this beautiful journey.

Whether you’re exploring your family’s past, capturing the world through photography, learning a new language, whipping up culinary delights, or nurturing miniature trees, there’s a hobby for everyone to enjoy. So go ahead, embrace these activities and add a touch of vibrancy to your golden years!

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04.20.23 | Community & Lifestyle

Some People Age Faster Than Others, and That’s Okay

At Sage, we believe that vibrant living is the cornerstone of a fulfilling and healthy life, especially as we age. One intriguing question that often pops up is why some people seem to age faster than others. In today’s blog post, we’ll explore the factors that influence the aging process and how understanding and accepting them can help you achieve a more vibrant living experience.


The truth is that genetics play a significant role in determining how we age. Our genes can influence our skin’s elasticity, the rate at which we develop wrinkles, and even our susceptibility to age-related diseases. However, while genetics may provide a blueprint for aging, it’s crucial to remember that it’s not the sole determining factor. In fact, studies suggest that genetics account for only 20-30% of our aging process, leaving the remaining 70-80% within our control.

Lifestyle Choices

Our lifestyle choices have a profound impact on how we age, with factors such as diet, hydration levels, exercise, and stress management playing essential roles in maintaining a youthful and vibrant living experience. By making conscious decisions to eat a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, drink the daily recommended amount of water, engage in regular physical activity, and practice stress reduction techniques, we can slow down the aging process and promote a more youthful, energetic lifestyle.

Skin Care and Sun Protection

The way we care for our skin and protect it from the sun’s harmful rays is also an essential factor in the aging process. Consistent and effective skincare routines, including cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing, can go a long way in maintaining a healthy, youthful complexion. Additionally, using sun protection and avoiding excessive sun exposure can help prevent premature aging caused by the sun’s damaging effects.

Mindset: A Powerful Catalyst for Vibrant Living

Believe it or not, our mindset can also play a significant role in how we age. Maintaining a positive outlook on life, embracing new experiences, and fostering strong social connections can help combat age-related stress and cognitive decline. A youthful mindset, combined with a proactive approach to wellness, can lead to a more vibrant living experience that defies the march of time.

We’re dedicated to helping older adults achieve the highest possible quality of life through a comprehensive approach to wellness. Our principles and practices are designed to promote vibrant living by focusing on physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By providing a supportive and nurturing environment, we empower our residents to take control of their aging process and embrace a more fulfilling, youthful lifestyle.

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