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10.05.23 | Arts & Culture

Understanding the Tradition of Walking Moai

We’ve all felt it: the comforting presence of a friend beside us, turning a regular walk into something special. That burst of laughter, that shared secret, or that debate over the best coffee shop in town. Now, imagine multiplying that by a few more friends, all walking together, with a shared sense of purpose. That’s the magic of a Walking Moai.

Originating from Okinawa, Japan, the term “moai” translates to a heartwarming “meeting for a common purpose”. It’s more than just hanging out – it’s about belonging to a tribe, each step echoing with shared dreams and aspirations. And when it comes to walking, this sense of unity turns every journey into a festival of memories.

And it’s not just about the fun moments. When we walk with our pals, we’re not just burning calories, we’re sparking joy. A study from 2020 whispered a sweet secret: walking with friends makes you healthier, happier, and more motivated. It’s as if our bodies and minds instinctively know: life’s better when we’re together.

In today’s world, where loneliness sometimes sneaks up on us, Walking Moais are like a warm hug. They’re more than just a group – they’re a family. A circle where shared stories replace solitude and laughter keeps away the blues.

What’s even more magical is the transformation that happens when we walk, talk, and dream together. Those in the known “blue zones” have shown us the way. Walking isn’t just about movement; it’s about connecting, feeling, and living. A quick stroll can chase away stress, and brainstorming on the go? That’s where the best ideas are born!

So next time you’re lacing up your shoes, consider inviting a friend or two. Walk, chat, dream, and discover the world through the wonderful rhythm of shared footsteps. Whether you’re chasing health goals, seeking heartfelt conversations, or simply wanting a break from the daily grind – your tribe, your Walking Moai, awaits.

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09.28.23 | Arts & Culture

Who Said Playtime Is Only For Kids?

From building sandcastles to playing hopscotch, every day was an adventure as kids. But as we grew up, responsibilities piled up, and the word ‘play’ somehow took a backseat. However, diving into recent research, we’re led to a revelation: Maybe it’s high time we adults introduce play back into our daily lives for better mental health and happiness.

The Transformative Power of Play

The act of playing, it turns out, isn’t just child’s play. It’s a profound tool that can transform our well-being. Engaging in playful activities has the potential to boost creativity, alleviate stress, and elevate our mood. It’s a reminder that joyspotting doesn’t have an age limit.

Engaging in play can also aid in cognitive functions. Just as children use play to understand the world, adults can use it to sharpen their minds, enhance problem-solving skills, and even foster better relationships with others. When we laugh, play, and engage in light-hearted competition, we break barriers, build trust, and foster camaraderie.

Reclaiming Your Playful Spirit with Vibrant Living

Our Vibrant Living program at Sage Collective recognizes the essence of holistic well-being. It’s not just about maintaining our physical health; it’s about nurturing our emotional and mental well-being. Embracing play and playful activities is aligned with this ethos, promoting not just life, but a life lived to its fullest.

So, how do you reintroduce play into your life? You don’t need a playground or toys. Playing for adults could mean trying out a new hobby, dancing whenever and wherever, joining a recreational sports league, or simply engaging in light-hearted banter with friends.

In the whirlwind of responsibilities and deadlines, it’s easy to dismiss play as frivolous. But as research suggests, it might be one of the simplest yet profound ways to infuse joy into our lives. Rediscover the magic of play. In doing so, you won’t just be rejoicing in the moment, but rejuvenating your soul. After all, why should kids have all the fun?

Who Said Playtime Is Only For Kids?
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08.17.23 | Community

National Relaxation Day: Your Sacred Space Matters

In the rush of everyday life, moments of tranquility can seem elusive. But what if you had a sanctuary within your home? A place where the cacophony of life takes a backseat, and you reconnect with your inner self? With National Relaxation Day around the corner, it’s time to delve deep into the art of creating personal spaces that epitomize peace, reflection, and Vibrant Living.

Crafting Your Personal Oasis

Creating a sacred space isn’t about grandeur or opulence. It’s about resonating with an environment that feels intrinsically ‘you’. A place where every item, scent, and texture evokes a sense of serenity.

Curate with Intention: Begin with what you love. Do certain artifacts, photographs, or mementos evoke peace or cherished memories? These items, when arranged thoughtfully, can form the cornerstone of your sanctuary.

Embrace Nature: Whether it’s a potted plant, a vase of fresh flowers, or the gentle sound of a water fountain, elements of nature can bring an unmatched serenity to your space. Natural light, too, can be a rejuvenating force, so position your space near a window if possible.

Digital Detoxing: In this era of constant connectivity, our devices often feel like extensions of ourselves. They keep us updated, informed, and entertained. But with the incessant pings and notifications, they also intrude upon our quiet moments, pulling us away from true relaxation.

This National Relaxation Day, consider adding a ‘digital detox’ component to your sacred space. Turning off our phones, or at least silencing them, is a powerful gesture of self-care. In the hush that ensues, we give ourselves permission to be present, to listen to our thoughts, and to engage deeply with our surroundings.

A Journey to Self-Reflection

Your sacred space is more than just a physical entity. It’s a reflection of your inner world, a tangible extension of your quest for Vibrant Living. As you sit within your created sanctuary, let the boundaries between the external and internal blur. This National Relaxation Day, may your sacred space be a conduit for self-reflection, tranquility, and a deeper connection with the essence of who you are.

In the heart of our homes, amidst the familiar and cherished, we can find a space that is uniquely ours. A space that reminds us of the simple joys of relaxation and the profound journey of self-reflection. So, as the world celebrates relaxation, take a moment to step into your sanctuary, breathe deeply, and embrace the tranquility it offers.

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08.10.23 | Arts & Culture

The Art of Storytelling: Maya Angelou

At Sage Collective, we hold dear the voices that share tales of human spirit, challenges, and victories. Among these, Maya Angelou stands tall, with her stories resonating through time, offering glimpses of her life and the wider journey. Through Angelou, we gain a fresh perspective on the art of storytelling.

Bearing Witness to Life’s Highs and Lows

Like Gorman, the power of Angelou’s tales comes from her genuine honesty. “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,” tells of the difficulties she faced, from facing prejudice to personal pain. Yet, she chose to openly share, lighting the way for countless silent stories. By sharing her struggles, she magnifies her successes, showing us that every part of our journey matters. Every story, whether personal or broad, has a universal echo. Through Angelou, we connect with emotions and experiences that touch hearts worldwide.

A Dance of Words and Rhythm

Angelou’s writing draws us in, but her poetry is where her words truly dance. Poems like “Still I Rise” and “Phenomenal Woman” enchant with their rhythmic flow and uplifting messages. When shaping your story, let Angelou inspire you. Fill your narrative with rhythm and emotion, creating an experience rather than just a tale.

Driving Forward With Purpose

A defining trait of Angelou’s work is its clear intent. She didn’t just share life moments; she shared lessons. “Still I Rise” isn’t just her journey—it’s a rallying cry for the oppressed. She shows that stories can do more than entertain; they can ignite change. When you write, know that your words have the power to move hearts and minds.

Lessons from Angelou on Storytelling

Angelou’s storytelling imparts wisdom beyond the narrative. She teaches us the importance of authenticity—stories need to come from a place of truth. She reminds us to embrace both pain and joy, as both are essential parts of the human experience. Moreover, her work emphasizes the need for stories to have a purpose, a message that drives them forward.

In wrapping up, exploring storytelling through Angelou’s eyes reveals tales that mirror shared hopes, challenges, and dreams. Taking a leaf from her book, let’s believe that our stories, grounded in truth and purpose, can touch and change lives.

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07.13.23 | Arts & Culture

What Amanda Gorman Teaches Us About Storytelling

At Sage Collective, we’re all about those personal journeys and the stories they create. And when someone like Amanda Gorman uses her talent to share those journeys, it’s impossible not to sit up and take notice. Gorman, with her poignant words and masterful storytelling, has offered us some great lessons on expression.

Telling Your Truth with Boldness

Gorman’s work brings forth an essential aspect of storytelling: raw, unfiltered honesty. A great example of this is her inaugural poem, “The Hill We Climb,” where she candidly paints the picture of a nation divided, and uses this as a canvas to craft a vision of unity and resilience. It’s more than a reflection on America’s political scene—it’s an intensely personal story of hope and unwavering determination. This courageous sharing of her perspective is a reminder for us all: the bumpy roads on our journey deserve as much recognition as our triumphs.

One thing that sets Gorman’s storytelling apart is her knack for weaving her personal stories into universal narratives. Despite being rooted in specific experiences, her stories strike a chord worldwide— a testament to the shared human experience we all are a part of.

So, when you’re sharing your story, remember, your unique journey is part of the much larger, grand tapestry of human life. Seek those threads that tie your personal experiences to the bigger narratives.

Harnessing the Power of Poetry

Gorman’s “The Hill We Climb” also highlights the compelling allure of poetry in storytelling. The rhythmic cadence, vivid imagery, and intricate metaphors all come together to create a concise, yet deeply moving expression of her experiences and emotions.

When sharing your story, don’t hesitate to employ a touch of the poetic. It’s not about composing verses, but more about using language in an artful way to add layers and richness to your narrative.

Inspiring Change Through Storytelling

What truly makes Gorman’s work stand out is how it transcends the beauty of language; each poem, each story, is a call to action. “The Hill We Climb” is more than just a reflection of the present—it’s a clarion call for a better tomorrow. In this, Gorman teaches us that our stories aren’t just relics of the past, but catalysts for inspiring change. By sharing your experiences, you too can foster empathy, understanding, and even trigger action. Your story holds the power to inspire others and spark transformation.

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06.08.23 | Community

Adapting to The Internet Highway: A User-Friendly Guide for Older Adults to Embrace the Digital World

We often refer to the internet as a modern highway. Imagine jumping onto the freeway of knowledge and connections, taking exits to destinations of choice, and disembarking when you’ve reached your desired location. The concept may seem daunting, especially for those of us who didn’t grow up in this digital age, but fear not! Just like learning to navigate any new terrain, once you understand the rules of the road, the journey becomes more manageable. 

However, the internet highway, much like any journey, comes with its share of challenges and potential roadblocks. But we firmly believe that it is never too late to embrace this digital world, and doing so can unlock new realms of communication, knowledge, and convenience. Here are some tips to ensure a smooth ride.

Learn the Basic Tools:

Your digital journey begins with understanding the basic tools. Computers, smartphones, and tablets are your vehicles on the Internet highway. Start by familiarizing yourself with their functionalities, like turning them on/off, charging, and installing applications. 

Understanding the Online Map:

Search engines like Google are the maps of the digital world. They help you locate the information or services you’re looking for. Entering words related to your topic of interest (keywords) will lead you to numerous websites, images, news, and more. On your journey, these tools within the online map will be useful resources in helping you better understand all of the directions you can travel. 

Safety First:

As on any journey, safety is paramount. Beware of digital road hazards like phishing (fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information) and cyberbullying. Always ensure you’re visiting secure websites (look for ‘https’ in the URL), avoid sharing sensitive personal information online, and maintain strong, unique passwords for all your accounts. 

Social Media as Scenic Routes:

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are excellent places to connect with loved ones, meet new friends, or join groups of interest. However, always be mindful of the information you share publicly. 

Embrace Online Learning:

Many institutions offer free or inexpensive courses online, from learning new languages to picking up cooking tips. Websites like Khan Academy, Coursera, or TED Talks are wonderful resources to broaden your horizons right from the comfort of your home. 

Tech Support is Your Roadside Assistance:

Finally, remember that there’s always help available. From the tech-savvy grandchild to the friendly helpline of your device manufacturer, don’t hesitate to ask for help if you find yourself lost on the digital highway.

Embracing the internet highway isn’t about leaving the past behind but about enriching our lives with the tools and resources of the present. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Happy traveling!

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06.01.23 | Arts & Culture

Travel Trips and Destinations for Summer Adventurers

Get ready to embrace the magic of summer! It’s the perfect season to awaken your inner explorer, savor the thrill of freedom, and make every moment count. Remember, travel isn’t just about moving from point A to point B; it’s about learning continuously and sprinkling your life with unforgettable memories. But, as we all know, every adventure carries its share of surprises. Don’t fret, though – we’ve got you covered. Dive into our expertly-curated travel tips and discover three destinations that will inevitably satisfy your spirit of adventure this summer:

Starved Rock State Park, Illinois

First on our list is a day trip to Starved Rock State Park, about two hours west of Chicago. The park boasts some of the finest natural attractions in the Midwest, with an impressive 18 canyons, scenic waterfalls, and a wide variety of wildlife. Take a guided tour or embark on a self-guided adventure, it’s the perfect place to commune with nature and appreciate the beauty of the Illinois Valley.

Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

If a serene lakeside excursion suits your fancy, consider visiting Lake Geneva in Wisconsin. Only a short hour and a half drive from Chicago, it’s a haven of relaxation and natural beauty. Here, you’ll find opportunities to indulge in boating, fishing, or simply a picnic by the waterside. For a real treat, take a historical tour on the lake’s mail boat, a century-old tradition that offers a unique perspective of the stunning lakeside homes.

Michigan City, Indiana

Finally, a day trip to Michigan City in Indiana offers a blend of city attractions and natural beauty, only an hour away from Chicago. Enjoy the vibrant arts scene at the Lubeznik Center for the Arts, explore the beautiful Washington Park Zoo nestled on a sand dune overlooking Lake Michigan, or stroll the colorful boutiques and antique shops of the Uptown Arts District. 

When embarking on these adventures, remember to consider your comfort and health. Carry water, snacks, and any required medication. Dress for the weather, and wear comfortable footwear suitable for the activity you’re planning. Whether you’re journeying solo or with loved ones, each trip offers a unique opportunity for exploration, learning, and a touch of adventure. 

So, here’s our Sage Advice: take the summer its hands and step out into the world. There’s a lot to see, much to learn, and countless experiences waiting just for you. Exploration is not just about discovering new places, but also about discovering ourselves. After all, age is just a number, and the world is our timeless playground. Embrace your independence, pursue vibrant living, and make the most of the educational experiences that these journeys offer.

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05.18.23 | Arts & Culture

The Benefits of Lifelong Learning: Ways You Can Stay Curious and Keep Learning at Any Age

In today’s world, learning is not just confined to the classroom. Nor is it a phase that fades after our school years. Learning is an exhilarating journey of discovery that can and should continue throughout our entire lives. At Sage Collective, we believe in the power of lifelong learning to nourish the mind, invigorate the spirit, and ultimately, facilitate a vibrant and high-quality living experience. 

Embrace the Ever-Curious Mind 

Being curious is about wanting to know more. It’s about asking questions and finding answers, about anything that interests you. This could be about the latest gadget or an old piece of history. Following your curiosity can lead to exciting discoveries and new knowledge. Remember, no matter how old you are, there’s always something new to learn.

The Benefits of Lifelong Learning

Throughout our programming, we’ve observed firsthand the transformative power of lifelong learning. It fosters a sense of purpose, promotes mental agility, and bolsters self-confidence. Lifelong learning can also help combat loneliness by providing opportunities to meet like-minded peers, thus forming enriching relationships. Moreover, being actively engaged in learning contributes to your overall wellbeing. Research suggests that stimulating your mind can help slow cognitive decline and improve memory function. It keeps the brain agile and the spirit youthful. 

Ways to Keep Learning 

So, how do you maintain a lifelong commitment to learning? The key is to integrate learning into your daily routine. Here are a few suggestions: 

  1. Reading: Books, newspapers, magazines or even online articles can take you on a journey of discovery. Reading not only expands your knowledge, but also stimulates your imagination and enhances your understanding of the world. 
  2. Online Courses: With advancements in technology, you can learn almost anything from the comfort of your home. Websites like Coursera or Khan Academy offer courses on a variety of subjects. There’s also TED Talks, which offers thought-provoking presentations on countless topics. 
  3. Local Community Events: Many communities host educational workshops, lectures, and events. These gatherings provide a great opportunity to learn something new, meet people with similar interests, and actively engage in your community. 
  4. Hobbies: Hobbies like painting, gardening or playing a musical instrument are not just enjoyable, but also educational. They can help develop new skills, stimulate creativity, and provide a sense of accomplishment. 
  5. Travel: If circumstances allow, traveling can be a great way to learn. Experiencing new cultures, tasting different foods, and learning new languages can provide a firsthand education that’s impossible to get in any other way. 

Remember, lifelong learning doesn’t mean becoming an expert in every subject. It’s about maintaining an open mind, staying curious, and enjoying the process of discovery. The joy lies in the journey, not just the destination. 

At Sage Collective, we encourage and celebrate a culture of continuous learning, believing it to be an essential component of vibrant living. We strive to create opportunities for our residents to explore, grow, and flourish. By choosing to stay curious and keep learning, you are not just passing time; you are creating a meaningful, engaged future. Here’s to celebrating the sage in all of us!

Sage Collective's Vibrant Living Program at Chicago Commons
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04.27.23 | Community

The Power of Saying “No!” Set Your Boundaries, Find Your Balance

At Sage, we recognize that achieving a balanced and gratifying life is essential for the well-being and happiness of older adults. One crucial life skill that often goes unnoticed is the ability to say “no.” In today’s blog post, we’ll delve into the significance of setting boundaries by learning when and how to say “no,” and how doing so can contribute to a more harmonious and enriching life experience.

Saying “no” is a critical aspect of establishing healthy boundaries and maintaining control over our lives and when we inversely say “yes” to everything, we can become overwhelmed, stressed, and ultimately worn out. But, by learning to say “no” when necessary, we can prioritize our well-being, concentrate on what genuinely matters, and create a more balanced, satisfying life. Time is our most precious resource on Earth, and as we age, it becomes even more valuable. By saying “no” to activities, events, or obligations that don’t align with our priorities, we can safeguard our time and energy for the things that truly matter to us such as our passions, relationships, and personal growth.

Our emotional well-being can be just as crucial as our physical health, and setting boundaries by saying “no” can play a vital role in maintaining emotional equilibrium. When we take on too much or agree to things that don’t resonate with our values, we can feel resentful, stressed, and emotionally overstimulated. By asserting ourselves and declining requests that don’t align with our needs, we can protect our emotional well-being and create a more harmonious life.

Saying “no” can also contribute to healthier, more balanced relationships. When we set clear boundaries and communicate our needs effectively, we create an environment of mutual respect and understanding. This can lead to more meaningful connections and help prevent feelings of resentment or being taken for granted. It can also be an essential part of personal growth. When we set boundaries and prioritize our own needs, we can develop a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence. 

Through a comprehensive approach to wellness, we’re dedicated to helping older adults achieve a balanced and gratifying life. Our programs and services focus on fostering personal growth, emotional well-being, and strong social connections by providing a supportive and nurturing environment that precisely empowers our residents to develop the skills and confidence needed to set healthy boundaries and lead a more balanced, rewarding life.

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04.20.23 | Community

Some People Age Faster Than Others, and That’s Okay

At Sage, we believe that vibrant living is the cornerstone of a fulfilling and healthy life, especially as we age. One intriguing question that often pops up is why some people seem to age faster than others. In today’s blog post, we’ll explore the factors that influence the aging process and how understanding and accepting them can help you achieve a more vibrant living experience.


The truth is that genetics play a significant role in determining how we age. Our genes can influence our skin’s elasticity, the rate at which we develop wrinkles, and even our susceptibility to age-related diseases. However, while genetics may provide a blueprint for aging, it’s crucial to remember that it’s not the sole determining factor. In fact, studies suggest that genetics account for only 20-30% of our aging process, leaving the remaining 70-80% within our control.

Lifestyle Choices

Our lifestyle choices have a profound impact on how we age, with factors such as diet, hydration levels, exercise, and stress management playing essential roles in maintaining a youthful and vibrant living experience. By making conscious decisions to eat a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, drink the daily recommended amount of water, engage in regular physical activity, and practice stress reduction techniques, we can slow down the aging process and promote a more youthful, energetic lifestyle.

Skin Care and Sun Protection

The way we care for our skin and protect it from the sun’s harmful rays is also an essential factor in the aging process. Consistent and effective skincare routines, including cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing, can go a long way in maintaining a healthy, youthful complexion. Additionally, using sun protection and avoiding excessive sun exposure can help prevent premature aging caused by the sun’s damaging effects.

Mindset: A Powerful Catalyst for Vibrant Living

Believe it or not, our mindset can also play a significant role in how we age. Maintaining a positive outlook on life, embracing new experiences, and fostering strong social connections can help combat age-related stress and cognitive decline. A youthful mindset, combined with a proactive approach to wellness, can lead to a more vibrant living experience that defies the march of time.

We’re dedicated to helping older adults achieve the highest possible quality of life through a comprehensive approach to wellness. Our principles and practices are designed to promote vibrant living by focusing on physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By providing a supportive and nurturing environment, we empower our residents to take control of their aging process and embrace a more fulfilling, youthful lifestyle.

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